7th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology

Title in English: 7th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology. Programme & Abstracts

The book of abstracts of the “7th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology” includes original English written abstracts focused on results and future perspectives in ichthyoparasitology of the three groups: Parasitological team of Assoc. Prof. Milan Gelnar – Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany and Zoology, parasitological team of Prof. Tomáš Scholz – Institute of Parasitology, ASCR, České Budějovice and ichthyological team of Dr. Pavel Jurajda – Institute of Vertebrate Biology, ASCR, Brno. These three groups are working on European Centre of IchthyoParasitology, Centre of excellence program of the Czech Science Foundation; project No. P505/12/G112). This book contains also list of publications from 2018.

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  • Number of pages: 100
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9083-5