Afréntate de que yo / te enseño el vivir

The stock character of comic servant, the so called gracioso, from Lope de Vega's drama, is one of the most studied characters of the Spanish Golden Age theatre. Until now, however, almost no attention has been paid to the fact that the gracioso is also an adviser to his master, or to other noble characters. His advice is not only a comic decoration, but often fundamentally affects the plot, even in tragedies. How is it possible that the character of servant gains such plot importance in the midst of a strong absolute monarchy? Was Lope a rebel, as some critics believe, or a conformist, as others claim? The book offers answers to these and other questions related to the fascinating character of gracioso.

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  • Number of pages: 225
  • Dimensions: 16x23
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0217-6