Antonín Václavík (1891–1959) a evropská etnologie
Title in English: Antonín Václavík and european ethnology
Collective monograph devoted to Antonín Václavík – professor at Masaryk University. Publication summarizing the various sections of his life, professional activities, relationship with his native county as a formative influence on the so-called Moravian ethnographic school should contribute to a more thorough understanding of both personality and the contribution of prof. A. Václavík for social sciences, but becomes a valuable reference guide for introduction to the thematic range of ethnographic research, the first two thirds of the 20th century, the developmental stages of the ethnographic museum and a variety of methods applied in scientific work. Issued a collective monograph will be beneficial also for the history of the field. They will be able to benefit not only researchers, but as well as many other students of ethnology and social science disciplines, museum professionals and lay retriever enthusiasts and folk culture in the field.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Ethnology, Historical sciences
- Language: Czech, English, Slovak
- Publication year: 2010
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 219
- Dimensions: 18 × 25
- ISBN: 978-80-210-5364-9