Approche épilinguistique des adolescents québécois sur la situation linguistique au Québec

Title in English: Epilinguistic Approach of Local Teenagers Towards the Linguistic Situation in Quebec.

The main topic of this book is the empirical verification of generally widespread assumptions concerning the attitude of young people’s view of the language situation in Quebec. The analysis, based on quantitative and qualitative research in the field (Gatineau, Montreal, Quebec, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier), consists of 683 questionnaires and more than 7 hours of recorded interviews. The factors applied for the analysis were age (average of the respondents was 14.8 years), sex, and residence. The respondents were as well divided into three language groups to discover if monolingualism, bilingualism, or multilingualism is a crucial role in the diversification of their opinions.

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  • Number of pages: 208
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9732-2