Archivum Mathematicum (3/2012)

Y. Wang, X. Liu:
Compact space-like hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature
in locally symmetric Lorentz spaces. ●
V. Laohakosol, W. Pimsert, Ch. Hengkrawit, B. Ebanks:
Some logarithmic functional equations .●
Y. Talebi, A. R. M. Hamzekolaei:
On μ-singular and μ-extending modules .●
K. Niedziałomski:
On the geometry of frame bundles .●
P. Kokkonen:
A characterization of isometries between Riemannian manifolds
by using development along geodesic triangles . ●
P. M. K. Wamba, A. Ntyam, J. W. Kamga:
Some properties of tangent Dirac structures of higher order . ●

  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISSN: 0044-8753
2024, iss. 3
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2023, iss. 5
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2023, iss. 3
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2023, iss. 2
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2023, iss. 1
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2022, iss. 5

E. Boffo: Particles in the superworldline and BRST ● C.A. Cremonini: A review of Lie superalgebra cohomology for pseudoforms ● R. Golovko: On topologically distinct infinite families of exact Lagrangian fillings ● E. Grong: Curvature and the equivalence problem in sub-Riemannian geometry ● S. Hronek, R. Suchánek: Pseudo-Riemannian and Hessian geometry related to Monge-Ampère structures ● M.A. Wasilewicz: Elementary relative tractor calculus for Legendrean contact structures

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2022, iss. 4

L. Bouchal, K. Mebarki, S.G. Georgiev: Positive solutions for a class of non-autonomous second order difference equations via a new functional fixed point theorem ● M. Sambasiva Rao: Median prime ideals of pseudo-complemented distributive lattices ● A. Hammou, S. Hamani, J. Henderson: Boundary value problems for Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces ● J. Nárožný: Generalised Atiyah’s theory of principal connections

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2022, iss. 3

Y. Azimi: (Generalized) filter properties of the amalgamated algebra ● A. Mouhous, S.G. Georgiev, K. Mebarki: Existence of solutions for a class of first order boundary value problem ● N.A. Rather, S. Gulzar, A.A. Bhat: Lp inequalities for the growth of polynomials with restricted zeros ● H.F. de Lima: A note on the nonexistence of spacelike hypersurfaces with polynomial volume growth immersed in a Lorentzian space form ● Li Ma: Porous media equation on locally finite graphs ● H.R. Hashim: Bartz-Marlewski equation with generalized Lucas components

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2022, iss. 2

R.N. Rath, K.C. Panda, S.K. Rath: Oscillatory behavior of higher order neutral differential equation with multiple functional delays under derivative operator ● M. Kostić, V. Kumar: Remotely c-almost periodic type functions in Rn ● Gagandeep Singh, Gurcharanjit Singh, Gurmeet Sing: Initial coefficients for generalized subclasses of bi-univalent functions defined with subordination ● G.A. Grigorian: Properties of solutions of quaternionic Riccati equations

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2022, iss. 1

S. Bak: Periodic traveling waves in the system of linearly coupled nonlinear oscillators on 2D-lattice ● G. Czédli: Cyclic congruences of slim semimodular lattices and non-finite axiomatizability of some finite structures ● G. Mantika, N. Temate-Tangang, D. Tieudjo: The Ribes-Zalesskii property of some one relator groups ● M. A. L. Velásquez: A half-space type property in the Euclidean sphere

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2021, iss. 5

P. Baird, J. Ventura: Four-dimensional Einstein metrics from biconformal deformations ● A. Zahed, S. Hamani, J.R. Graef: Boundary value problems for Hadamard-Caputo implicit fractional differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions ● M. Dzúrik: An upper bound of a generalized upper Hamiltonian number of a graph

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2021, iss. 4

S. Delladio: Involutivity degree of a distribution at superdensity points of its tangencies ● M. Kostić: Generalized c-almost periodic type functions in Rn

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2021, iss. 3

T. Imamura: Relationship among various Vietoris-type and microsimplicial homology theories ● J. Jaroš: A new look at an old comparison theorem ● A.P. Phaneendra Kumar, M. Sambasiva Rao, K. Sobhan Babu: Generalized prime D-filters of distributive lattices ● C. Dunn, Z. Smith: Algebraic restrictions on geometric realizations of curvature models

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2021, iss. 2

D.N. Pham: The Lie groupoid analogue of a symplectic Lie group ● G.A. Grigorian: Global solvability criteria for quaternionic Riccati equations ● M. Nasehi: On the Finsler geometry of the Heisenberg group H2n+1 and its extension ● E. Tchammou, A. Togbé: On some Diophantine equations involving balancing numbers

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2021, iss. 1

M. Parhizkar, H.R. Salimi Moghaddam: Naturally reductive homogeneous (α, β)-metric spaces ● M.M. Chems-Eddin, A. Azizi, A. Zekhnini: On the 2-class group of some number fields with large degree ● S. Luey, H. Usami: Asymptotic forms of solutions of perturbed half-linear ordinary differential equations ● M. Naito: Remarks on the existence of nonoscillatory solutions of half-linear ordinary differential equations, II

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2020, iss. 5

Zdeněk Dušek: Structure of geodesics in weakly symmetric Finsler metrics on H-type groups
● Roman Golovko: On variants of Arnold conjecture
● Lada Peksová: Modular operads with connected sum and Barannikov’s theory
● Jan Slovák: Remark on bilinear operations on tensor fields
● Habib Amiri, Helge Glöckner, and Alexander Schmeding: Lie groupoids of mappings taking values in a Lie groupoid

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2020, iss. 4

Makoto Hayashi: An improvement of the non-existence region for limit cycles of the Bogdanov-Takens system
● Saïd Abbas, Mouffak Benchohra, Nadjet Laledj, and Yong Zhou: Fractional ${q}$-difference equations on the half line
● Brahim Alioune, Mohamed Boucetta, and Ahmed Sid’Ahmed Lessiad: On Riemann-Poisson Lie groups
● Jhon J. Bravo and Jose L. Herrera: Repdigits in generalized Pell sequences

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2020, iss. 3

M. Elyasi, A. A. Estaji, and M. Robat Sarpoushi: Locally functionally countable subalgebra of $mathcal{R}(L)$
● Jean-Marie De Koninck, Nicolas Doyon, A. Arthur Bonkli Razafindrasoanaivolala, and William Verreault: Bounds for the counting function of the Jordan-Pólya numbers
● Andrew James Bruce: Modular Classes of Q-Manifolds, Part II: Riemannian Structures & Odd Killing Vectors Fields
● Abdelmalek Azizi * , Jamal Benamara * , Moulay Chrif Ismaili * , and Mohammed Talbi **: The reduced ideals of a special order in a pure cubic number field
● Silvestru Sever Dragomir: Norm inequalities for the difference between weighted and integral means of operator differentiable functions

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2020, iss. 2

M.S.B. Elemine Vall, A. Ahmed, A. Touzani, and A. Benkirane: Entropy solutions for parabolic equations in Musielak framework without sign condition and with measure data ● Eric Klassen and Peter W. Michor: Closed surfaces with different shapes that are indistinguishable by the SRNF ● Jaroslav Jaroš, Kusano Takaŝi, and Tomoyuki Tanigawa: Oscillation criteria for fourth order half-linear differential equations

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2020, iss. 1

Mirjana Milijević; Luis P. Yapu: Growth of weighted volume and some applications ● Mehri Nasehi: On the geometrical properties of Heisenberg groups ● Sanjay Amrutiya: A note on certain Tannakian group schemes ● Shahram Rezaei: Finiteness of local homology modules ● Christian Herrmann: Unit-regularity and representability for semiartinian $*$-regular rings ● Florian Luca; Damon Moodley: Composite positive integers whose sum of prime factors is prime

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2019, iss. 5

L’udovít Balko, Tibor Macko, Martin Niepel, and Tomáš Rusin: Higher simple structure sets of lens spaces with the fundamental group of arbitrary order ● Zdeněk Dušek: Homogeneous Randers spaces admitting just two homogeneous geodesics ● Josef Janyška: Remarks on natural differential operators with tensor fields ● Ondřej Kubů and Libor Šnobl: Superintegrability and time-dependent integrals ● Tomáš Rusin: A note on the cohomology ring of the oriented Grassmann manifolds $widetilde{G}_{n,4}$ ● Tomasz Rybicki: On the uniform perfectness of groups of bundle homeomorphisms ● Alexander Zuevsky: Sewn sphere cohomologies for vertex algebras

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2019, iss. 4

Bérenger Akon Kpata: On a decomposition of non-negative Radon measures ● F. Abtahi, E. Byabani, and A. Rejali: Some algebraic and homological properties of Lipschitz algebras and their second duals ● Alireza Khalili Asboei and Seyed Sadegh Salehi Amiri: Recognizability of finite groups by Suzuki group ● Matthias Kalus: Non-split almost complex and non-split Riemannian supermanifolds ● Hamid Sadeghi: $Delta $-weak character amenability of certain Banach algebras ● Kevin Esmeral, Osmin Ferrer, Jorge Jalk, and Boris Lora Castro: On hyponormal operators in Krein spaces ● Miroslav Doupovec and Ivan Kolář: On the $gamma $-equivalence of semiholonomic jets

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2019, iss. 3

Benjamin Cahen: Invariant symbolic calculus for compact Lie groups ● Luis M. Navas, Francisco J. Ruiz, and Juan L. Varona: Existence and reduction of generalized Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials ● L.O. Jolaoso, H.A. Abass, and O.T. Mewomo: A viscosity-proximal gradient method with inertial extrapolation for solving certain minimization problems in Hilbert space ● Alexander E. Patkowski: On instances of Fox’s integral equation connection to the Riemann zeta function

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2019, iss. 2

Bouharket Bendouma, Alberto Cabada, and Ahmed Hammoudi: Existence results for systems of conformable fractional differential equations ● M.H.M. Rashid: Topological degree theory in fuzzy metric spaces ● Bahloul Rachid: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the fractional integro-differential equations in vector-valued function space ● John Alexander Cruz Morales and Alexander Torres-Gomez: On F-algebroids and Dubrovin’s duality ● Andrew James Bruce and Eduardo Ibarguengoytia: The graded differential geometry of mixed symmetry tensors

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2019, iss. 1

A. Karimi Feizabadi, A.A. Estaji, M. Abedi:
On minimal ideals in the ring of real-valued
continuous functions on a frame.●

A. Baghban, E. Abedi:
Isotropic almost complex structures and harmonic
unit vector fields .●
P. Růžička:
On the construction and the realization of wild monoids●

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2018, iss. 5

Z. Dušek: The affine approach to homogeneous geodesics in homogeneous Finsler spaces ● M. Eastwood, J. Slovák: Calculus on symplectic manifolds ● G. Herczeg, E. Latini, A. Waldron: Contact Quantization: Quantum Mechanics = Parallel transport ● L. Peksová: Properads and homological differential operators related to surfaces ● T. Rusin: Bounds for the characteristic rank and cup-length of oriented Grassmann manifolds

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2018, iss. 4

G. A. Grigorian: Oscillatory and non oscillatory criteria for the systems of two linear first order two by two dimensional matrix ordinary differential equations ● D. Canarutto: Two-spinor tetrad and Lie derivatives of Einstein-Cartan-Dirac fields ● V. Vetchý:
Metrically regular square of metrically regular bipartite graphs of diameter $D = 7$ ● A. Navarro, J. Navarro, C. Tejero Prieto: Natural operations on holomorphic form

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2018, iss. 3

Zhen-Rong Zhou:
Energy gaps for exponential Yang-Mills fields . ●
P.M. Kouotchop Wamba, A. MBA:
The infinitesimal counterpart of tangent presymplectic
groupoids of higher order .●
Si Duc Quang, Dau Hong Quan:
Weak normal and quasinormal families of holomorphic curves. ●
N. Bunlue, S. Suantai:
Best proximity point for proximal Berinde nonexpansive mappings
on starshaped sets. ●
G. Soydan, L. Németh, L. Szalay:
On the Diophantine equation

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2018, iss. 2

S. Majumder, R. Mandal:
On a result of Zhang and Xu concerning their open problem . ●
C. Qian, J. Smith:
Existence and global attractivity of periodic solutions
in a higher order difference equation . ●
I. Kolář:
Some functorial prolongations of general connections . ●
R. Boumahdi, J. Larone:
Polynomials with values which are powers of integers●

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2018, iss. 1

A. Karimi Feizabadi, A.A. Estaji, M. Abedi:
On minimal ideals in the ring of real-valued
continuous functions on a frame.●

A. Baghban, E. Abedi:
Isotropic almost complex structures and harmonic
unit vector fields .●
P. Růžička:
On the construction and the realization of wild monoids●

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2017, iss. 3

J. Jaroš, T. Kusano:
Comparison results for two-dimensional half-linear
cyclic differential systems .●
E. Bilokopytov:
Isometry invariant Finsler metrics on Hilbert spaces .●
D. Udar, R.K. Sharma, J.B. Srivastava:
Restricted Boolean group rings . ●
M.H.M. Rashid:
Some fixed point theorems in generating spaces
of quasi-metric family . ●
S. Ghalandarzadeh, P. Nasehpour, R. Razavi:
Invertible ideals and Gaussian semirings .●

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2017, iss. 2

I. Lončar:
Extending generalized Whitney maps . ●
D. Barilari, L. Rizzi:
On Jacobi fields and a canonical connection
in sub-Riemannian geometry. ●
A. Al-Omari, T. Noiri:
Characterizations of z-Lindelöf spaces . ●
S. Jahan, V. Kumar, S.K. Kaushik:
On the existence of non-linear frames . ●
Le Cong Nhan, Do Huy Hoang, Le Xuan Truong:
Existence results for a class of high order differential equation
associated with integral boundary conditions at resonance . ●

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2016, iss. 5

M. Eastwood, K. Neusser:
A canonical connection on sub-Riemannian contact manifolds. ●
J. Gregorovič, L. Zalabová:
A construction of non-flat non-homogeneous symmetric
parabolic geometries. ●
Ch. Harrach:
Poisson transforms for differential forms ●
M. Holíková, L. Křižka, P. Somberg:
Projective structure, SL(3 f , R) and the symplectic
Dirac operator . ●3
J. Janyška:
On Lie algebras of generators of infinitesimal symmetries
of almost-cosymplectic-contact structures . ●
P. Somberg, P. Zima:
Killing spinor-valued forms and the cone construction. ●

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2016, iss. 4

Ondřej Došlý (1956-2016).●
Nguyen Ngoc Khanh:
Gradient estimates of Li Yau type for a general
heat equation on Riemannian manifolds .●
M. Nasehi:
Parallel and totally geodesic hypersurfaces of solvable Lie groups. ●
D. N. Pham:
g-quasi-Frobenius Lie algebras . ●
N. Guerraiche, S. Hamani, J. Henderson:
Initial value problems for fractional functional differential
inclusions with Hadamard type derivative . ●

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2016, iss. 3

A. Ntyam, G. F. Wankap Nono, Bitjong Ndombol:
Some further results on lifts of linear vector fields related
to product preserving gauge bundle functors on vector bundles. ●
Lucio Centrone:
The G-graded identities of the Grassmann Algebra .●
F. Etayo, R. Santamaría:
Distinguished connections on (J2 = ±1)-metric manifolds. ●

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2016, iss. 2

P. Nasehpour:
On the Anderson-Badawi ωR[X](I[X]) = ωR(I) conjecture.●
M. Remili, L. D. Oudjedi:
Boundedness and stability in third order nonlinear
differential equations with multiple deviating arguments ●
N.M. Moukala, B.G.R. Bossoto:
Prolongation of Poisson 2-form on Weil bundles. ●
E. Abedi, R.B. Ziabari, M. M. Tripathi:
Ricci and scalar curvatures of submanifolds
of a conformal Sasakian space form●

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2016, iss. 1

N. Malekzadeh, E. Abedi, U.C. De:
Pseudosymmetric and Weyl-pseudosymmetric (κ, μ)-contact
metric manifolds . ●
M. Medveď, E. Pekárková:
Asymptotic integration of differential equations
with singular p-Laplacian .●
Y.N. Raffoul:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of Volterra
integro-dynamic equation on time scales . ●
S. Djebali, O. Saifi:
Singular φ-Laplacian third-order BVPs
with derivative dependance . ●
Z. Kadeřábek:
Bautin bifurgation of a modified generalized
Van der Pol-Mathieu equation . ●

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2015, iss. 3

M. Arshad, E. Ameer, A. Hussain:
Hardy-Rogers-type fixed point theorems for α-GF-contractions .●
D.B. Pachpatte:
Some dynamic inequalities applicable to partial
integrodifferential equations on time scales. ●
T. Zaïmi, M. Selatnia, H. Zekraoui:
Comments on the fractional parts of Pisot numbers. ●
A. Mokhtari, T. Moussaoui, D. O’Regan:
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a p(x)-Kirchhoff type
problem via variational techniques. ●
B.D.K. McLellan:
Abelian analytic torsion and symplectic volume.●
W.M. Mikulski:
A complement to the paper “On the Kolář connection”
[Arch. Math. (Brno) 49 (2013), 223–240]. ●

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2015, iss. 2

M. Benchohra, M. S. Souid:
Integrable solutions for implicit fractional order
functional differential equations with infinite delay .●
R. Abo-Zeid:
Global behavior of the difference equation xn+1 =

N. Chernyavskaya, L.A. Shuster:
Correct solvability of a general differential equation
of the first order in the space Lp(R) ●
L. Hong:
Locally solid topological lattice-ordered groups ●

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2015, iss. 1

A. A. Estaji, A. Karimi Feizabadi, M. Abedi:
Strongly fixed ideals in C(L) and compact frames ●
E. Schwab, E.D. Schwab:
On inverse categories with split idempotents ●
E.A. Rodríguez Valencia:
Invariants of complex structures on nilmanifolds ●
F. El Chami, G. Habib, R. Nakad:
Riemannian foliations with parallel or harmonic basic forms ●

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2013, iss. 5

W. Bertram:
Jordan- and Lie geometries . ●
I. Hinterleitner, J. Mikeš:
On holomorphically projective mappings from manifolds with
equiaffine connection onto Kähler manifolds . ●
I. Kolář:
On the natural transformations of Weil bundles.●
T. Lada, M. Tolley:
Derivations of homotopy algebras. ●
T. Milev, P. Somberg:
The F-method and a branching problem for generalized Verma
modules associated to (Lie G2,so(7)) .●
T. Salač:
k-Dirac operator and the Cartan-Kähler theorem . ●
A. Vanžurová:
On metrizability of locally homogeneous affine 2-dimensional
manifolds .●
L. Vokřínek:
Computing the abelian heap of unpointed stable
homotopy classes of maps .●

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 5

M. Filakovský:
Effective chain complexes for twisted products . ●
J. Gregorovič:
Local reflexion spaces . ●
I. Hinterleitner:
On holomorphically projective mappings of e-Kähler manifolds .●
I. Kolář:
On special types of nonholonomic 3-jets . ●
I. Kriz, Y. Xiu:
Tree algebras: An algebraic axiomatization
of intertwining vertex operators .●
Min Ku, U. Kähler, P. Cerejeiras:
Solutions to a class of polynomially generalized Bers–Vekua
equations using Clifford analysis . ●
P. Piu, E. Remm:
Riemannian symmetries in flag manifolds . ●
T. Salač:
Penrose transform and monogenic sections.●
V. Tuček:
Yamabe operator via BGG sequences . ●
J. Vysoký, L. Hlavatý:
Poisson–Lie sigma models on Drinfel’d double .●

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 4

D. Zhao:
Partial dcpo’s and some applications .●
E. Yankson:
Existence and positivity of solutions for a nonlinear
periodic differential equation. ●
Junxia Li, J. Ryan, C. J. Vanegas:
Rarita-Schwinger type operators on spheres
and real projective space . ●
M. Behboodi, A. Moradzadeh-Dehkordi:
On commutative rings whose prime ideals
are direct sums of cyclics .●
B. Baculíková, J. Džurina:
On property (B) of higher order delay differential equations. ●

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 3

Y. Wang, X. Liu:
Compact space-like hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature
in locally symmetric Lorentz spaces. ●
V. Laohakosol, W. Pimsert, Ch. Hengkrawit, B. Ebanks:
Some logarithmic functional equations .●
Y. Talebi, A. R. M. Hamzekolaei:
On μ-singular and μ-extending modules .●
K. Niedziałomski:
On the geometry of frame bundles .●
P. Kokkonen:
A characterization of isometries between Riemannian manifolds
by using development along geodesic triangles . ●
P. M. K. Wamba, A. Ntyam, J. W. Kamga:
Some properties of tangent Dirac structures of higher order . ●

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 2

M. T. K. Abbassi, G. Calvaruso:
g-natural metrics of constant curvature
on unit tangent sphere bundles . ●
M. Sambasiva Rao:
δ-ideals in pseudo-complemented distributive lattices. ●
A. M. Aghdam, F. Karimi, A. Najafizadeh:
On the subgroups of completely decomposable torsion-free groups
that are ideals in every ring .●
R. Meštrović:
An elementary proof of a congruence by Skula and Granville. ●
K. Bachouche, S. Djebali, T. Moussaoui:
φ-Laplacian BVPs with linear bounded operator conditions . ●
Weibing Wang, Baishun Lai:
Periodic solutions for a class of functional differential system . ●
S. Stelmastchuk:
A characterization of harmonic sections
and a Liouville theorem . ●

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2012, iss. 1

M. Craizer, T. Lewiner, R. Teixeira:
Cauchy problems for discrete affine minimal surfaces ●
J. Inoguchi, J.-E. Lee:
Submanifolds with harmonic mean curvature
in pseudo-Hermitian geometry ●
A. A. Mizeal, M. A. A. Hussain:
Two-mode bifurcation in solution of a perturbed
nonlinear fourth order differential equation ●
M. Eshaghi-Gordji, A. Ebadian, F. Habibian, B. Hayati:
Weak continuous derivations in dual Banach algebras ● A. Suvarnamani, M. Tatong:
An extragradient approximation method for variational
inequality problem on fixed point problem of nonexpensive
mappings and monotone mappings ●
J. Janyška, M. Markl:
Combinatorial differential geometry and ideal
Bianchi-Ricci identities II – the torsion case

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