Archivum Mathematicum (2/2024)

Archivum mathematicum is a mathematical journal which publishes exclusively scientific mathematical papers. The journal, founded in 1965, is published by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University.

Archivum Mathematicum is indexed and abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index belonging to Clarivate Analytics products and services. Starting from Volume 52 all papers appear in the Web of Science database.

Online journal

  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISSN: 0044-8753
2024, iss. 3
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2024, iss. 2
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2024, iss. 1
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2023, iss. 5
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2023, iss. 4
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2023, iss. 3
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2023, iss. 2
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2023, iss. 1
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2022, iss. 5

E. Boffo: Particles in the superworldline and BRST ● C.A. Cremonini: A review of Lie superalgebra cohomology for pseudoforms ● R. Golovko: On topologically distinct infinite families of exact Lagrangian fillings ● E. Grong: Curvature and the equivalence problem in sub-Riemannian geometry ● S. Hronek, R. Suchánek: Pseudo-Riemannian and Hessian geometry related to Monge-Ampère structures ● M.A. Wasilewicz: Elementary relative tractor calculus for Legendrean contact structures

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2022, iss. 4

L. Bouchal, K. Mebarki, S.G. Georgiev: Positive solutions for a class of non-autonomous second order difference equations via a new functional fixed point theorem ● M. Sambasiva Rao: Median prime ideals of pseudo-complemented distributive lattices ● A. Hammou, S. Hamani, J. Henderson: Boundary value problems for Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces ● J. Nárožný: Generalised Atiyah’s theory of principal connections

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2022, iss. 3

Y. Azimi: (Generalized) filter properties of the amalgamated algebra ● A. Mouhous, S.G. Georgiev, K. Mebarki: Existence of solutions for a class of first order boundary value problem ● N.A. Rather, S. Gulzar, A.A. Bhat: Lp inequalities for the growth of polynomials with restricted zeros ● H.F. de Lima: A note on the nonexistence of spacelike hypersurfaces with polynomial volume growth immersed in a Lorentzian space form ● Li Ma: Porous media equation on locally finite graphs ● H.R. Hashim: Bartz-Marlewski equation with generalized Lucas components

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2022, iss. 2

R.N. Rath, K.C. Panda, S.K. Rath: Oscillatory behavior of higher order neutral differential equation with multiple functional delays under derivative operator ● M. Kostić, V. Kumar: Remotely c-almost periodic type functions in Rn ● Gagandeep Singh, Gurcharanjit Singh, Gurmeet Sing: Initial coefficients for generalized subclasses of bi-univalent functions defined with subordination ● G.A. Grigorian: Properties of solutions of quaternionic Riccati equations

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2022, iss. 1

S. Bak: Periodic traveling waves in the system of linearly coupled nonlinear oscillators on 2D-lattice ● G. Czédli: Cyclic congruences of slim semimodular lattices and non-finite axiomatizability of some finite structures ● G. Mantika, N. Temate-Tangang, D. Tieudjo: The Ribes-Zalesskii property of some one relator groups ● M. A. L. Velásquez: A half-space type property in the Euclidean sphere

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2021, iss. 5

P. Baird, J. Ventura: Four-dimensional Einstein metrics from biconformal deformations ● A. Zahed, S. Hamani, J.R. Graef: Boundary value problems for Hadamard-Caputo implicit fractional differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions ● M. Dzúrik: An upper bound of a generalized upper Hamiltonian number of a graph

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2021, iss. 4

S. Delladio: Involutivity degree of a distribution at superdensity points of its tangencies ● M. Kostić: Generalized c-almost periodic type functions in Rn

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2021, iss. 3

T. Imamura: Relationship among various Vietoris-type and microsimplicial homology theories ● J. Jaroš: A new look at an old comparison theorem ● A.P. Phaneendra Kumar, M. Sambasiva Rao, K. Sobhan Babu: Generalized prime D-filters of distributive lattices ● C. Dunn, Z. Smith: Algebraic restrictions on geometric realizations of curvature models

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2021, iss. 2

D.N. Pham: The Lie groupoid analogue of a symplectic Lie group ● G.A. Grigorian: Global solvability criteria for quaternionic Riccati equations ● M. Nasehi: On the Finsler geometry of the Heisenberg group H2n+1 and its extension ● E. Tchammou, A. Togbé: On some Diophantine equations involving balancing numbers

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2021, iss. 1

M. Parhizkar, H.R. Salimi Moghaddam: Naturally reductive homogeneous (α, β)-metric spaces ● M.M. Chems-Eddin, A. Azizi, A. Zekhnini: On the 2-class group of some number fields with large degree ● S. Luey, H. Usami: Asymptotic forms of solutions of perturbed half-linear ordinary differential equations ● M. Naito: Remarks on the existence of nonoscillatory solutions of half-linear ordinary differential equations, II

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2020, iss. 5

Zdeněk Dušek: Structure of geodesics in weakly symmetric Finsler metrics on H-type groups
● Roman Golovko: On variants of Arnold conjecture
● Lada Peksová: Modular operads with connected sum and Barannikov’s theory
● Jan Slovák: Remark on bilinear operations on tensor fields
● Habib Amiri, Helge Glöckner, and Alexander Schmeding: Lie groupoids of mappings taking values in a Lie groupoid

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2020, iss. 4

Makoto Hayashi: An improvement of the non-existence region for limit cycles of the Bogdanov-Takens system
● Saïd Abbas, Mouffak Benchohra, Nadjet Laledj, and Yong Zhou: Fractional ${q}$-difference equations on the half line
● Brahim Alioune, Mohamed Boucetta, and Ahmed Sid’Ahmed Lessiad: On Riemann-Poisson Lie groups
● Jhon J. Bravo and Jose L. Herrera: Repdigits in generalized Pell sequences

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2020, iss. 3

M. Elyasi, A. A. Estaji, and M. Robat Sarpoushi: Locally functionally countable subalgebra of $mathcal{R}(L)$
● Jean-Marie De Koninck, Nicolas Doyon, A. Arthur Bonkli Razafindrasoanaivolala, and William Verreault: Bounds for the counting function of the Jordan-Pólya numbers
● Andrew James Bruce: Modular Classes of Q-Manifolds, Part II: Riemannian Structures & Odd Killing Vectors Fields
● Abdelmalek Azizi * , Jamal Benamara * , Moulay Chrif Ismaili * , and Mohammed Talbi **: The reduced ideals of a special order in a pure cubic number field
● Silvestru Sever Dragomir: Norm inequalities for the difference between weighted and integral means of operator differentiable functions

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2020, iss. 2

M.S.B. Elemine Vall, A. Ahmed, A. Touzani, and A. Benkirane: Entropy solutions for parabolic equations in Musielak framework without sign condition and with measure data ● Eric Klassen and Peter W. Michor: Closed surfaces with different shapes that are indistinguishable by the SRNF ● Jaroslav Jaroš, Kusano Takaŝi, and Tomoyuki Tanigawa: Oscillation criteria for fourth order half-linear differential equations

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2020, iss. 1

Mirjana Milijević; Luis P. Yapu: Growth of weighted volume and some applications ● Mehri Nasehi: On the geometrical properties of Heisenberg groups ● Sanjay Amrutiya: A note on certain Tannakian group schemes ● Shahram Rezaei: Finiteness of local homology modules ● Christian Herrmann: Unit-regularity and representability for semiartinian $*$-regular rings ● Florian Luca; Damon Moodley: Composite positive integers whose sum of prime factors is prime

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2019, iss. 5

L’udovít Balko, Tibor Macko, Martin Niepel, and Tomáš Rusin: Higher simple structure sets of lens spaces with the fundamental group of arbitrary order ● Zdeněk Dušek: Homogeneous Randers spaces admitting just two homogeneous geodesics ● Josef Janyška: Remarks on natural differential operators with tensor fields ● Ondřej Kubů and Libor Šnobl: Superintegrability and time-dependent integrals ● Tomáš Rusin: A note on the cohomology ring of the oriented Grassmann manifolds $widetilde{G}_{n,4}$ ● Tomasz Rybicki: On the uniform perfectness of groups of bundle homeomorphisms ● Alexander Zuevsky: Sewn sphere cohomologies for vertex algebras

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2019, iss. 4

Bérenger Akon Kpata: On a decomposition of non-negative Radon measures ● F. Abtahi, E. Byabani, and A. Rejali: Some algebraic and homological properties of Lipschitz algebras and their second duals ● Alireza Khalili Asboei and Seyed Sadegh Salehi Amiri: Recognizability of finite groups by Suzuki group ● Matthias Kalus: Non-split almost complex and non-split Riemannian supermanifolds ● Hamid Sadeghi: $Delta $-weak character amenability of certain Banach algebras ● Kevin Esmeral, Osmin Ferrer, Jorge Jalk, and Boris Lora Castro: On hyponormal operators in Krein spaces ● Miroslav Doupovec and Ivan Kolář: On the $gamma $-equivalence of semiholonomic jets

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2019, iss. 3

Benjamin Cahen: Invariant symbolic calculus for compact Lie groups ● Luis M. Navas, Francisco J. Ruiz, and Juan L. Varona: Existence and reduction of generalized Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials ● L.O. Jolaoso, H.A. Abass, and O.T. Mewomo: A viscosity-proximal gradient method with inertial extrapolation for solving certain minimization problems in Hilbert space ● Alexander E. Patkowski: On instances of Fox’s integral equation connection to the Riemann zeta function

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2019, iss. 2

Bouharket Bendouma, Alberto Cabada, and Ahmed Hammoudi: Existence results for systems of conformable fractional differential equations ● M.H.M. Rashid: Topological degree theory in fuzzy metric spaces ● Bahloul Rachid: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the fractional integro-differential equations in vector-valued function space ● John Alexander Cruz Morales and Alexander Torres-Gomez: On F-algebroids and Dubrovin’s duality ● Andrew James Bruce and Eduardo Ibarguengoytia: The graded differential geometry of mixed symmetry tensors

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2019, iss. 1

A. Karimi Feizabadi, A.A. Estaji, M. Abedi:
On minimal ideals in the ring of real-valued
continuous functions on a frame.●

A. Baghban, E. Abedi:
Isotropic almost complex structures and harmonic
unit vector fields .●
P. Růžička:
On the construction and the realization of wild monoids●

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2018, iss. 5

Z. Dušek: The affine approach to homogeneous geodesics in homogeneous Finsler spaces ● M. Eastwood, J. Slovák: Calculus on symplectic manifolds ● G. Herczeg, E. Latini, A. Waldron: Contact Quantization: Quantum Mechanics = Parallel transport ● L. Peksová: Properads and homological differential operators related to surfaces ● T. Rusin: Bounds for the characteristic rank and cup-length of oriented Grassmann manifolds

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2018, iss. 4

G. A. Grigorian: Oscillatory and non oscillatory criteria for the systems of two linear first order two by two dimensional matrix ordinary differential equations ● D. Canarutto: Two-spinor tetrad and Lie derivatives of Einstein-Cartan-Dirac fields ● V. Vetchý:
Metrically regular square of metrically regular bipartite graphs of diameter $D = 7$ ● A. Navarro, J. Navarro, C. Tejero Prieto: Natural operations on holomorphic form

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2018, iss. 3

Zhen-Rong Zhou:
Energy gaps for exponential Yang-Mills fields . ●
P.M. Kouotchop Wamba, A. MBA:
The infinitesimal counterpart of tangent presymplectic
groupoids of higher order .●
Si Duc Quang, Dau Hong Quan:
Weak normal and quasinormal families of holomorphic curves. ●
N. Bunlue, S. Suantai:
Best proximity point for proximal Berinde nonexpansive mappings
on starshaped sets. ●
G. Soydan, L. Németh, L. Szalay:
On the Diophantine equation

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2018, iss. 2

S. Majumder, R. Mandal:
On a result of Zhang and Xu concerning their open problem . ●
C. Qian, J. Smith:
Existence and global attractivity of periodic solutions
in a higher order difference equation . ●
I. Kolář:
Some functorial prolongations of general connections . ●
R. Boumahdi, J. Larone:
Polynomials with values which are powers of integers●

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2018, iss. 1

A. Karimi Feizabadi, A.A. Estaji, M. Abedi:
On minimal ideals in the ring of real-valued
continuous functions on a frame.●

A. Baghban, E. Abedi:
Isotropic almost complex structures and harmonic
unit vector fields .●
P. Růžička:
On the construction and the realization of wild monoids●

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2017, iss. 3

J. Jaroš, T. Kusano:
Comparison results for two-dimensional half-linear
cyclic differential systems .●
E. Bilokopytov:
Isometry invariant Finsler metrics on Hilbert spaces .●
D. Udar, R.K. Sharma, J.B. Srivastava:
Restricted Boolean group rings . ●
M.H.M. Rashid:
Some fixed point theorems in generating spaces
of quasi-metric family . ●
S. Ghalandarzadeh, P. Nasehpour, R. Razavi:
Invertible ideals and Gaussian semirings .●

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2017, iss. 2

I. Lončar:
Extending generalized Whitney maps . ●
D. Barilari, L. Rizzi:
On Jacobi fields and a canonical connection
in sub-Riemannian geometry. ●
A. Al-Omari, T. Noiri:
Characterizations of z-Lindelöf spaces . ●
S. Jahan, V. Kumar, S.K. Kaushik:
On the existence of non-linear frames . ●
Le Cong Nhan, Do Huy Hoang, Le Xuan Truong:
Existence results for a class of high order differential equation
associated with integral boundary conditions at resonance . ●

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2016, iss. 5

M. Eastwood, K. Neusser:
A canonical connection on sub-Riemannian contact manifolds. ●
J. Gregorovič, L. Zalabová:
A construction of non-flat non-homogeneous symmetric
parabolic geometries. ●
Ch. Harrach:
Poisson transforms for differential forms ●
M. Holíková, L. Křižka, P. Somberg:
Projective structure, SL(3 f , R) and the symplectic
Dirac operator . ●3
J. Janyška:
On Lie algebras of generators of infinitesimal symmetries
of almost-cosymplectic-contact structures . ●
P. Somberg, P. Zima:
Killing spinor-valued forms and the cone construction. ●

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2016, iss. 4

Ondřej Došlý (1956-2016).●
Nguyen Ngoc Khanh:
Gradient estimates of Li Yau type for a general
heat equation on Riemannian manifolds .●
M. Nasehi:
Parallel and totally geodesic hypersurfaces of solvable Lie groups. ●
D. N. Pham:
g-quasi-Frobenius Lie algebras . ●
N. Guerraiche, S. Hamani, J. Henderson:
Initial value problems for fractional functional differential
inclusions with Hadamard type derivative . ●

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2016, iss. 3

A. Ntyam, G. F. Wankap Nono, Bitjong Ndombol:
Some further results on lifts of linear vector fields related
to product preserving gauge bundle functors on vector bundles. ●
Lucio Centrone:
The G-graded identities of the Grassmann Algebra .●
F. Etayo, R. Santamaría:
Distinguished connections on (J2 = ±1)-metric manifolds. ●

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2016, iss. 2

P. Nasehpour:
On the Anderson-Badawi ωR[X](I[X]) = ωR(I) conjecture.●
M. Remili, L. D. Oudjedi:
Boundedness and stability in third order nonlinear
differential equations with multiple deviating arguments ●
N.M. Moukala, B.G.R. Bossoto:
Prolongation of Poisson 2-form on Weil bundles. ●
E. Abedi, R.B. Ziabari, M. M. Tripathi:
Ricci and scalar curvatures of submanifolds
of a conformal Sasakian space form●

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2016, iss. 1

N. Malekzadeh, E. Abedi, U.C. De:
Pseudosymmetric and Weyl-pseudosymmetric (κ, μ)-contact
metric manifolds . ●
M. Medveď, E. Pekárková:
Asymptotic integration of differential equations
with singular p-Laplacian .●
Y.N. Raffoul:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of Volterra
integro-dynamic equation on time scales . ●
S. Djebali, O. Saifi:
Singular φ-Laplacian third-order BVPs
with derivative dependance . ●
Z. Kadeřábek:
Bautin bifurgation of a modified generalized
Van der Pol-Mathieu equation . ●

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2015, iss. 3

M. Arshad, E. Ameer, A. Hussain:
Hardy-Rogers-type fixed point theorems for α-GF-contractions .●
D.B. Pachpatte:
Some dynamic inequalities applicable to partial
integrodifferential equations on time scales. ●
T. Zaïmi, M. Selatnia, H. Zekraoui:
Comments on the fractional parts of Pisot numbers. ●
A. Mokhtari, T. Moussaoui, D. O’Regan:
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a p(x)-Kirchhoff type
problem via variational techniques. ●
B.D.K. McLellan:
Abelian analytic torsion and symplectic volume.●
W.M. Mikulski:
A complement to the paper “On the Kolář connection”
[Arch. Math. (Brno) 49 (2013), 223–240]. ●

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2015, iss. 2

M. Benchohra, M. S. Souid:
Integrable solutions for implicit fractional order
functional differential equations with infinite delay .●
R. Abo-Zeid:
Global behavior of the difference equation xn+1 =

N. Chernyavskaya, L.A. Shuster:
Correct solvability of a general differential equation
of the first order in the space Lp(R) ●
L. Hong:
Locally solid topological lattice-ordered groups ●

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2015, iss. 1

A. A. Estaji, A. Karimi Feizabadi, M. Abedi:
Strongly fixed ideals in C(L) and compact frames ●
E. Schwab, E.D. Schwab:
On inverse categories with split idempotents ●
E.A. Rodríguez Valencia:
Invariants of complex structures on nilmanifolds ●
F. El Chami, G. Habib, R. Nakad:
Riemannian foliations with parallel or harmonic basic forms ●

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2013, iss. 5

W. Bertram:
Jordan- and Lie geometries . ●
I. Hinterleitner, J. Mikeš:
On holomorphically projective mappings from manifolds with
equiaffine connection onto Kähler manifolds . ●
I. Kolář:
On the natural transformations of Weil bundles.●
T. Lada, M. Tolley:
Derivations of homotopy algebras. ●
T. Milev, P. Somberg:
The F-method and a branching problem for generalized Verma
modules associated to (Lie G2,so(7)) .●
T. Salač:
k-Dirac operator and the Cartan-Kähler theorem . ●
A. Vanžurová:
On metrizability of locally homogeneous affine 2-dimensional
manifolds .●
L. Vokřínek:
Computing the abelian heap of unpointed stable
homotopy classes of maps .●

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2012, iss. 5

M. Filakovský:
Effective chain complexes for twisted products . ●
J. Gregorovič:
Local reflexion spaces . ●
I. Hinterleitner:
On holomorphically projective mappings of e-Kähler manifolds .●
I. Kolář:
On special types of nonholonomic 3-jets . ●
I. Kriz, Y. Xiu:
Tree algebras: An algebraic axiomatization
of intertwining vertex operators .●
Min Ku, U. Kähler, P. Cerejeiras:
Solutions to a class of polynomially generalized Bers–Vekua
equations using Clifford analysis . ●
P. Piu, E. Remm:
Riemannian symmetries in flag manifolds . ●
T. Salač:
Penrose transform and monogenic sections.●
V. Tuček:
Yamabe operator via BGG sequences . ●
J. Vysoký, L. Hlavatý:
Poisson–Lie sigma models on Drinfel’d double .●

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2012, iss. 4

D. Zhao:
Partial dcpo’s and some applications .●
E. Yankson:
Existence and positivity of solutions for a nonlinear
periodic differential equation. ●
Junxia Li, J. Ryan, C. J. Vanegas:
Rarita-Schwinger type operators on spheres
and real projective space . ●
M. Behboodi, A. Moradzadeh-Dehkordi:
On commutative rings whose prime ideals
are direct sums of cyclics .●
B. Baculíková, J. Džurina:
On property (B) of higher order delay differential equations. ●

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2012, iss. 3

Y. Wang, X. Liu:
Compact space-like hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature
in locally symmetric Lorentz spaces. ●
V. Laohakosol, W. Pimsert, Ch. Hengkrawit, B. Ebanks:
Some logarithmic functional equations .●
Y. Talebi, A. R. M. Hamzekolaei:
On μ-singular and μ-extending modules .●
K. Niedziałomski:
On the geometry of frame bundles .●
P. Kokkonen:
A characterization of isometries between Riemannian manifolds
by using development along geodesic triangles . ●
P. M. K. Wamba, A. Ntyam, J. W. Kamga:
Some properties of tangent Dirac structures of higher order . ●

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2012, iss. 2

M. T. K. Abbassi, G. Calvaruso:
g-natural metrics of constant curvature
on unit tangent sphere bundles . ●
M. Sambasiva Rao:
δ-ideals in pseudo-complemented distributive lattices. ●
A. M. Aghdam, F. Karimi, A. Najafizadeh:
On the subgroups of completely decomposable torsion-free groups
that are ideals in every ring .●
R. Meštrović:
An elementary proof of a congruence by Skula and Granville. ●
K. Bachouche, S. Djebali, T. Moussaoui:
φ-Laplacian BVPs with linear bounded operator conditions . ●
Weibing Wang, Baishun Lai:
Periodic solutions for a class of functional differential system . ●
S. Stelmastchuk:
A characterization of harmonic sections
and a Liouville theorem . ●

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2012, iss. 1

M. Craizer, T. Lewiner, R. Teixeira:
Cauchy problems for discrete affine minimal surfaces ●
J. Inoguchi, J.-E. Lee:
Submanifolds with harmonic mean curvature
in pseudo-Hermitian geometry ●
A. A. Mizeal, M. A. A. Hussain:
Two-mode bifurcation in solution of a perturbed
nonlinear fourth order differential equation ●
M. Eshaghi-Gordji, A. Ebadian, F. Habibian, B. Hayati:
Weak continuous derivations in dual Banach algebras ● A. Suvarnamani, M. Tatong:
An extragradient approximation method for variational
inequality problem on fixed point problem of nonexpensive
mappings and monotone mappings ●
J. Janyška, M. Markl:
Combinatorial differential geometry and ideal
Bianchi-Ricci identities II – the torsion case

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