Auta, emise a klima: právní nástroje environmentální regulace

The publication focuses on a topic that cannot be described as a traditional legal topic in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, in times of climate change and the general need to shift to zero-emission transportation and sustainable development, this topic is very much needed. The publication provides a general framework of type approval legislation of new vehicles of the EU and national legal system, emphasizing test cycles such as WLTP and RDE. The monograph analyses Euro emission norms which define thresholds for polluting substances from exhaust fumes, and at the same time analyses union legal regulation of CO2 emissions from new vehicles. To fully develop zero-emission transportation, it is necessary to have sufficient corresponding infrastructure (e.g., charging stations). This publication focuses on legislation concerning alternative infrastructure and selected alternative fuels. It also analyses specific legal instruments (direct and indirect), which could be used as tools for developing zero-emission transportation and improving air quality, especially in urban areas. State aid and other financial incentives that can promote zero emission transport development are analysed within indirect legal instruments. Direct legal instruments such as air quality plans, action plans, and low emission zones (which are also compared to their German counterparts) are also analysed. These instruments are analysed with respect to their role in the development of alternative infrastructure and alternative vehicles .

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  • Number of pages: 202
  • Dimensions: 15x21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9878-7