Babičky na bigbítu
Title in English: Grannies at a Big-Beat Party. The social life in the late socialist Moravian countryside
On the background of his interest in social life in the villages in south-western Moravia at the time of late socialism the author of the book observes social transformations in wider contexts. Rural life changes not only due to interventions of power, but also in accordance with village communities efforts to safeguard their own traditions and identity even under pressure from the processes of modernization. Official and informal activities connected with social life are taken into account as well. Organized and unorganized activities often faded into one another, being formed by the motivation and character of the organizers and participants – for this reason, the treatise attributes crucial significance to individuals, their social networks, hobbies, and values. The submitted interpretations are based on the principles of micro-history, history of everyday life, and symbolic anthropology. Last but not least they also continue the tradition of ethnographical research into the contemporary village, and, from the methodological point of view, they have found their inspiration in the way of recording the recollections by means of oral history.
- Translation: Šafaříková Zdeňka
- Translated from the language: Czech
- Binding: Hardback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Ethnology, Historical sciences
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2020
- Series: Ethnological studies
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 181
- Dimensions: 17 × 24
- ISBN: 978-80-210-9681-3
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