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Title in English: Without conditions. Methods of psychosocial support for drug users

This publication offers an overview of selected psychosocial methods that can be useful for a wide range of helpers who provide support for substance abusers. The methods introduced in this book draw mainly from current social science perspectives such as participatory practices, critical social work and sociological understandings of drug use and addiction. These concepts are introduced in the first part of the book. The second part consists of 11 chapters describing the concrete methods of psychosocial support, with a multitude of examples and recommendations. The book also focuses on groups that require specific attention such as ethnic minorities, senior citizens, dually diagnosed people, sex workers and people released from prison. The authors are exclusively Czech practitioners, mostly social workers, with a great deal of experience in the field of drugs and addiction treatment. The publication is written in an accessible language for readers outside the professional community and who are also part of support networks for drug users and addicts.

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  • Number of pages: 219
  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9667-7