Bildungssprachliche Handlungen beobachten

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Title in English: Observation of educational speech acts. A manual for teachers

The key factor in the field of education is the acquisition of the language in education by which we mean the formal register different from spoken language. It is characterised by a higher level of conceptual literacy and by specialised vocabulary. It differs from technical language by being accessible to all the participants of school education. In order to realise speech acts in the context of the language of instruction (both in their mother tongue and in a foreign language) pupils have to acquire specialised vocabulary and functional language. The present publication is the outcome of a two-year bilateral project between University College of Teacher Education in Vienna and The Department of German Language at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. The concept of the language of instruction is described and a set of observation forms is provided for teachers of various subjects both from Austria and the Czech Republic to allow them determine the level of the language of instruction in their pupils. In addition, sample teaching scenarios are provided for the innovation of teaching aimed at fostering the language of instruction.

FREE e-book
  • Number of pages: 125
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8848-1