Brno Studies in English (1/2010)
Marina DOSSENA: Dialect and Vernacular Features in Late Modern English Correspondence:
Beginnings of a Quest ●
Libuše Dušková: Syntactic Construction, Information Structure and Textual Role:
An Interface View of the Cleft Sentence ●
Jesús Fernández-Domínguez: N+N Compounding in English: Semantic Categories
and the Weight of Modifiers ●
Irena Headlandová Kalischová: Intonation in Discourse: Why Do Czech Speakers
of English Not Always Use It to Enhance the Meaning? ●
Leonhard LIPKA: Observational Linguistics, Neologisms, Entrenchment, and the Tea Party
Movement ●
María Martínez Lirola and Bradley Smith: Contextual Functions of Predicated Themes
in Written Text: Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) as Dialogue with
Apartheid South Africa ●
Dagmar SAGEDER: Terminology Today: A Science, an Art or a Practice? Some Aspects on
Terminology and Its Development ●