Brno Studies in English (2/2023)

Brno Studies in English, ISSN 0524-6881 (print), 1805-0867 (online), is a peer-reviewed international scholarly journal published by the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic). It publishes articles in the fields of English and American studies. Since 2009, the journal is issued twice a year. -- [Brno Studies in English is a continuation of the periodical of the same name, first 11 volumes of which were published in 1959-1976 in the the series "Spisy Filozofické fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Brně". Between 1979–1994, BSE was published within the periodical series "Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, Řada germanisticko-anglistická (K) = Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis. Series Germanica et Anglica (K), ISSN 0231-5351. Between 1995–2008, BSE continued within the new series "Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, Řada anglistická (S) = Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis. Series Anglica (S)", ISSN 1211-1791.]

On-line journal

2024, iss. 1
In stock 9 pieces.
2023, iss. 2
In stock 8 pieces.
2023, iss. 1
In stock 6 pieces.
2022, iss. 2
In stock 4 pieces.
2022, iss. 1

Eleonora FOIS: News Translation and National Image in the Time of Covid-19 ● Valeria GIOFRÉ: Functions and Distribution of Determiners in Old English Genitive Noun Phrases ● Sandra JIMENÉZ-PAREJA: On the Adjective/Adverb Interface: Subject-Related –ly ● Elena V. KOSTAREVA and Tatiana I. UTKINA: Metadiscourse Use in Argumentative Essays Written by Russian Students at Different Levels of ESAP Study of Economics ● Tatiana SZCZYGLOWSKA: Exploring Obama’s and Trump’s Political Discourse through the Lens of Wordlists, Keywords and Clusters ● Jarosław WIŁIŃSKI: Metaphodioms: Connecting Metaphor and Idioms ● Ilona DOBOSIEWICZ: The City on the Moldau as a Liminal Space: Prague in Anthony Trollope’s Nina Balatka ● Lucia GRAUZĽOVÁ: Canadian Literature as an American Literature: CanLit through the Lens of Hemispheric American Literary Studies ●
Pawel KAPTUR: Rethinking Inspirations for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: A New Look at the Case of the Silesian Gravediggers’ Scandal of 1606 ● Bożena KUCAŁA: Carnage, Medicine and “The Woman Question”: Representations of the Crimean War in Neo-Victorian Fiction ● Katarzyna MACHAŁA: “That’s not how we hang people here.” Gilead in the eyes of witnesses in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments ● Sara SAEI DIBAVAR, Pyeaam ABBASI and Hossein PIRNAJMUDDIN: J. M. Coetzee’s Foe: A Narrative of Dislocation through Assimilation

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2021, iss. 2

Ludmila URBANOVÁ: Professor Emeritus Jan Svartvik and his Role in Corpus Linguistics ● Laura DI FERRANTE: Transitioning between Small Talk and Work Talk through Discourse Markers: Evidence from a Workplace Spoken Corpus Literary and Cultural Studies ● Amel ABBADY: ‘you cannot assimilate Indian ghosts’: A Magical Realist Reading of Louise Erdrich’s The Night Watchman ● Serena DEMICHELIS: Billy Budd, Foretopman: Re-reading Desire ● Bohumil FOŘT: Narratives, Their Gaps and Worlds ● José R. IBÁÑEZ: Identity and Religious Traits in Jewish Literature: A Hansenian Reading of the Short Fiction of Bernard Malamud and Nathan Englander ● Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Revenge of the Mutilated Wives: Bluebeards in Margaret Atwood’s Novels ● Andrija MATIĆ: “Gruff Old Scientists and Rough Old Scholars”: The Caricature of Intellectualism in Aldous Huxley’s Short Stories ●
Danijela PETKOVIČ: Fantasies of Resistance: Neil Gaiman’s “A Study in Emerald” and Bryan Singer’s X2:X-men United ● Dobrota PUCHEROVÁ: The “New South African Woman” in Angela Makholwa’s Crime Fiction in a Transnational Feminist Context ● Barbara SZOT: Introducing Flann O’Brien: An Analysis of the Paratexts of Translations to Czech and Polish ● Alice TIHELKOVÁ: From Boundary Estate to Grenfell Tower: The Changing Perceptions of the Role of Britain’s Council Housing ● Carlos VILLAR FLOR: Graham Greene and MI6: The Iberian Connection ● Zuzana BURÁKOVÁ: Weiss, Michaela. Tradition and Experiment: American Jewish Prose in the Period of Modernism

In stock 2 pieces.
2021, iss. 1

Ludmila URBANOVÁ: In Memory of Jan Firbas ● Bebwa ISINGOMA: Politeness Strategies in Ugandan English: Making Requests and Responding to Thanks ● Amanda ROIG-MARÍN: Blending and Compounding in English Coroneologisms ● José Antonio SANCHEZ FAJARDO: Morphophonological Salience through Constructional Schemas: An Analysis of Two Case Studies of English Slang Words Ending in {o} ● Zahra SHIRIAN DASTJERDI, Helen TAN, and Seyed Foad EBRAHIMI: Voice in Rhetorical Units of Results and Discussion Chapter of Master’s Theses: Across Science Study ● Mária ŠIMKOVÁ: Attitude and Graduation as resources of masculinity construction in YouTube vlogs Literary and Cultural Studies ● Petr ANTÉNE: Howard Jacobson’s Live a Little: The Jewish Jane Austen’s 21st Century Novel of Manners ● Simon FEATHERSTONE: Wars in Common: David Jones, John Ball and Representations of Collective Experience in First World War Writing ●
Pariza CHANGIZI: Lucrative Art of Disaster: Fetishized Apocalypse, Culture of Fear and Hurricane ‘Tammy’ in Nathaniel Rich’s Odds Against Tomorrow ● Katarzyna MACHAŁA: The Handmaid’s Tale vs. The Handmaid’s Tale. The Graphic Novel as a Modern Reading of the Traditional Novel ● Ivona MIŠTEROVÁ: Who Is Afraid of William Shakespeare? Shakespeare for Young Adults ● Irina RABINOVICH: Across the Atlantic: Grace Aguilar’s Correspondence with Miriam and Solomon Cohen ● Soňa ŠNIRCOVÁ: Metamodern Sensibility in Jenni Fagan’s ‘The Waken’ ● Eduardo VALLS OYARZUN: “Tell Us, Irma, Tell Us:” (Re)fashioning Neo-Victorian Memory in Joan Lindsay’s Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) ● Michaela WEISS: Literary tourism and the Shaping of Space and Identity in Victoria Hislop’s novel The Island

In stock 2 pieces.
2020, iss. 2

Fabio CARRELLA: #Populism on Twitter: Statistical Analysis of the Correlation between Tweet Popularity and “Populist” Discursive Features ● María MARTÍNEZ-LIROLA: A Multimodal Analysis of Daddy’s Roommate: Deconstructing Compositional and Interpersonal Meanings ● Magda SUČKOVÁ: First Language Attrition in Voice Onset Times in Anglophone Expatriates Residing in the Czech Republic ● Silvie VÁLKOVÁ and Jana KOŘÍNKOVÁ: Strategies of Positive Evaluation in Computer-Mediated Communication ● Jason BLAKE: Geology and Story in Alice Munro’s “Axis” ● Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Non-Normative Victorians: Ian McGuire’s The North Water as a Neo-Victorian Novel ● Ewelina FELDMAN-KOŁODZIEJUK: Tribute to Newfoundland, Tribute to Fatherland: Michael Crummey’s Sweetland in a Geocritical Perspective ● Mohammad-Javad HAJ’JARI and Nasser MALEKI: Auster’s Leviathan: When the “Voice of Conscience” Calls Out ● Kinga JĘCZMIŃSKA: “On the battlefield of life”: J. M. Coetzee’s Life & Times of Michael K in the light of the mind-body problem ●
Shobana JEYASINGAM, Manimangai MANI, Rosli TALIF and Mohammad Ewan AWANG: Rooted Cosmopolitan Identity and Internalized Homophobia in Farzana Doctor’s Stealing Nasreen ● Katarzyna KOZAK: Depicting a Political Rival: Evolution of Richard Steele’s Essay Periodical Writing ● María Jesús MARTÍNEZ-ALFARO: Parasites, Plagiarists and “Fictual” Stories in Charles Palliser’s “A Nice Touch” and “The Catch” ● Jopi NYMAN: Writing the Armenian Genocide in Eve Makis’s The Spice Box Letters: Trauma, Diaspora, Community ● Wit PIETRZAK: Poetry as Endurance: Caitríona O’Reilly’s Geis ● Magdalena SAWA: “We Need to Rediscover the Living Body”: Gabriel Josipovici’s Metamodern Project in Goldberg: Variations ● Beatriz Pérez ZAPATA: Exploring Death and Grief: Zen in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man ● Jan CHOVANEC: Ponton, Douglas Mark. 2020. Understanding Political Persuasion. Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis ● Michaela WEISS: Anténe, Petr. 2019. Howard Jacobson’s Novels in the Context of Contemporary British Jewish Literature

In stock 2 pieces.
2020, iss. 1

Cinzia Giglioni: Italian corporate codes of ethics : the influence of national regulatory framework
● Małgorzata Paprota: Attack metaphors of the welfare state and austerity across the British press, 2008–2015
● Łukasz Stolarski: The influence of character's gender and the basic emotions of "happiness" and "sadness" on voice pitch in the reading of fiction
● Anna Branach-Kallas: Vimy, Gallipoli, trauma, and the poetics of grief : re-reading the myths of the First World War in Jane Urquhart's The Stone Carvers and Brenda Walker's The Wing of Night
● Alireza Fakhrkonandeh: Humour as an art of descent and negative dialectics : a deleuzian analysis of the functions of humour in Trevor Griffiths' Comedians
● Alberto Gabriele: Pre-cinematic vision and the modern episteme of sympathy in George Eliot's Middlemarch
● Sylwia Gryciuk: Children in the blood jet of poetry : Sylvia Plath's poetic tale of infanticide
● Oliver Hirsch: Beckett's Waiting for Godot : a historical play with two Jews as main characters
● Michał Kapis: Circular concept of time in Lee Maracle's Ravensong and Tomson Highway's Kiss of the Fur Queen
● Weronika Łaszkiewicz: Native Americans in Charles de Lint's The Wind in His Heart
● Maxim Shadurski: The singularity and H.G. Wells's conception of the world brain
● Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero: "Making my Meaning Understood" : analysing metaphors in Great Expectations
● Irene Visser: Reckless innocence, non-anger and forgiveness : moral knowledge in Penelope Fitzgerald's fiction

In stock 2 pieces.
2019, iss. 2

Libuše Dušková: Information structure in parallel texts : a Czech-English view ● Magdalena Hanusková: Interactive repair among English as a lingua franca speakers in academic settings ● Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo: Raising awareness around writers' voice in academic discourse : an analysis of writers' (in)visibility ● Oleksandr Kapranov: Discourse markers in online writing by early balanced English/Italian bilinguals ● Jana Kozubíková Šandová: Audience involvement in academic book review articles : an English and Czech comparative study ● Renáta Panocová; Lukáš Lukačín: Epistemic modal markers in two domains of academic research papers in English ● Maciej Reda: Thematic structure vs. information structure in the analysis of translation shifts ● Paula Rodríguez-Abruñeiras: On exemplifying markers in present-day British and American English : formal and functional implications

In stock 3 pieces.
2019, iss. 1

Petr CHALUPSKÝ: "Something odd and beautiful": literary cartography in Jim Crace's Harvest ● Rebeca GUALBERTO: Unmasking romance in The Tempest : politics, theatre and T.S. Eliot ● Tihana KLEPAČ: Mary Helena Fortune: an independent fly in the webs of Victorian society ● Ewa KOWAL: Nostalgia, Kitsch and the Great Recession in Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last and Westworld (Season ) ● Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Polyphonic resonances of fairy tales and myths : The Magic Toyshop and Life Before Man ● Jeff SMITH: Lincoln's miniature Bible: performing sacred history in the Gettysburg Address ● Alfred THOMAS: Shakespeare's Bohemia: terror and toleration in early modern Europe ● José M. YERBA: The palimpsestuous face of the other : homoerotic memory in Alan Hollinghurst's The Stranger's Child 

In stock 1 piece.
2018, iss. 2

Kamran AHMADGOLI and Seyed-Nima TAHERI-AZAM: Dwelling in the "Darkness Echoing": the poetic vision of Seamus Heaney and Martin Heidegger ● Olga A. DZHUMAYLO: Martin Amis's The Pregnant Widow as a postmodern confessional novel ● Dita HOCHMANOVÁ: The problem of ridicule in Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews ● Ewa KĘBŁOWSKA-ŁAWNICZAK: In search of a new epistemology of the urban in the writing of Ivan Vladislavić ● Klara SZMAŃKO: Reminiscing in white in Fae Myenne Ng's Bone ● Joanna STOLAREK: Fluid identities and social dislocation in the face of crime, guilt and ethics in Patricia Highsmith's The Talented Mr Ripley and The Tremor of Forgery

In stock 1 piece.
2018, iss. 1

Wojciech DRĄG: Cutting to the chase: microfictions, empathy and the new sincerity ● Esther MUÑOZ-GONZÁLEZ: The Americans: domesticity and regendering of classical spy narratives ● Magdalena OŻARSKA: 'Killing' her journal with delayed paratext? Mary Shelley's journal intertitles and other distinctive features ● Wit PIETRZAK: For 'Mythical' read 'Empathic': Paul Muldoon's 'Third Epistle to Timothy' and 'The Bangle (Slight Return)' as Exercises in Empathy ● Anna Maria TOMCZAK: Remembering Marley: a portrayal of the reggae superstar in Marlon James's A Brief History of Seven Killings

In stock 1 piece.
2017, iss. 2

Sini EIKONSALO: “[S]ometimes America needs to be pushed”: Amy Waldman’s
The Submission and the Early American 9/11 Novels  ● 
Stanislav KOLÁŘ: Magical Realism and Allegory in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing
on the Moon  ● 
Mojca KREVEL: A Tale of Being Everything: Literary Subject in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for
the Time Being  ● 
Karam NAYEBPOUR: The Training Impact of Experience in Jane Austen’s Emma  ● 
Katarzyna OJRZYŃSKA: Supernatural Substitution and Abduction in the Drama
of the Irish Revival  ● 
Marcin TERESZEWSKI: Reconciling Your Self: Individuation and Ontological Ambiguity
in J.G. Ballard’s The Empire of the Sun and The Drowned World  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2017, iss. 1

Nataša KOSTIČ: The Distributional Asymmetries of English Antonyms in Language Use ● 
Halyna KRYZHANIVSKA: The Media Genre of the Personal Account: Rhetorical
and Linguistic Construction of the Socio-Cultural Setting . ● 
Danica MALEKOVÁ: The Comic of the Heroes – a Case Study of the Role of Humour
in Reflecting National Identity  ● 
Jana PELCLOVÁ: Signifying Brno – Creating Urban Space, Shaping the City  ● 
Irmina WAWRZYCZEK: Racist and Neo-Nazi Panic in the Euro 2012 Coverage
by the British Press: A Discursive Failure in Interculturalism  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2016, iss. 2

Janka KAŠČÁKOVÁ: Modernism vs. Modernity: Katherine Mansfield as Critic  ● 
Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Wise Children and The Blind Assassin: Fictional (Auto)biographies  ● 
Danijela PETKOVIĆ: “A tiger will perhaps tear you to pieces, but he will not steal your life”:
The Politics of Animal Use in Barbara Chase-Riboud’s Hottentot Venus: A Novel ● 
Wit PIETRZAK: The Song of Nature, the Song of Hope: J. H. Prynne’s Pearls that Were  ● 
Jafar Mirzaee PORKOLI and Mohammad-Javad HAJ’JARI: Double-Effect Reasoning
in Paradise Lost: An Investigation into Milton’s God’s Will in Humankind’s Fall  ● 
Carlos VILLAR FLOR: Displacement and Exile in Evelyn Waugh’s Post-War Fiction ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2016, iss. 1

Argiris ARCHAKIS and Villy TSAKONA: Legitimizing and Resistance Identities in Immigrant
Students’ School Essays: Towards a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy ● 
Naďa KUDRNÁČOVÁ: On Correlations between Range in Verb Descriptivity and Syntactic
Applicability  ● 
Katarzyna MOLEK-KOZAKOWSKA: Framing Disease, Ageing and Death in Popular Science
Journalism ● 
Pilar MUR-DUEÑAS and Jolanta ŠINKŪNIENĖ: Self-reference in Research Articles across
Europe and Asia: A Review of Studies ● 
María Jesús PINAR SANZ and Jesús MOYA GUIJARRO: Irony and humor in Princess
Smartypants  ● 
Jesús ROMERO-BARRANCO: Adverbials and Inversion in Early English Scientific
Writing  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2015, iss. 2

Nóra HORVÁTH: ‘Lovers of beauty’ – the Oeuvres of George Santayana, Fred Holland Day
and Edward Perry Warren as Exemplifications of Aesthetics of Existence Influenced
by the Platonic Eros  ● 
Joel J. JANICKI: The Art of Losing: Historical Allusions in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation
Blues ● 
Renata JANKTOVÁ: Reshaping Meanings: D. H. Lawrence and the ‘Lady Chatterley Trial’
in A. S. Byatt’s Babel Tower  ● 
Petra SLAVÍČKOVÁ: Hurston’s ‘Real Negro Theatre’: Participation Observation of African
American Folk  ● 
Andrea F. SZABÓ: Alice Munro’s Australian Mirror Stories  ● 
Ivona MIŠTEROVÁ: Inter Arma Non Silent Musae: Shakespeare as a Symbol of the Czech
Pro-Allied Attitude during the Great War  ● 
Karla KOVALOVÁ: Shaping Black Feminist Literary Criticism: On Intersections of Legal
and Literary Narratives  ● 
Alice TIHELKOVÁ: Framing the ‘Scroungers’: the Re-Emergence of the Stereotype
of the Undeserving Poor and Its Reflection in the British Press  ● 
Eva VALENTOVÁ: The Triumph of Pan: Hermaphroditism and Sexual Inversion
in Victor Benjamin Neuburg’s Poetry

In stock 1 piece.
2015, iss. 1

Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Playfulness as Apologia for a Strong Story in Ian McEwan’s
Sweet Tooth  ● 
Bożena KUCAŁA: Unspoken Dialogues and Non-listening Listeners in Graham Swift’s
Fiction ● 
Lucia OTRÍSALOVÁ: (Re)inscribing Blackness onto the Canadian Soil: Memory
and Resistance in Contemporary African-Canadian Drama  ● 
Wit PIETRZAK: “Bringing a New Soul into Ireland”: Literary Culture and Poetics of Orality
in W. B. Yeats’s Early Critical Writings  ● 
Dobrota PUCHEROVÁ: Forms of Resistance against the African Postcolony in Brian
Chikwava’s Harare North  ● 
Richard T. STOCK: Native Storytelling and Narrative Innovation: Louise Erdrich’s Love
Medicine as Fictional Ethnography ● 
Irene VISSER and Laura KAAI: The Books That Lived: J.K. Rowling and the Magic
of Storytelling  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2014, iss. 2

Ofure O. M. AITO: The Poet as Town-Crier in a Nation in Conflict: Okigbo’s and Ojaide’s
Poetry ● 
Anna BUDZIAK: T. S. Eliot’s “La Figlia Che Piange” and the Tradition of Decadent
Aestheticism ● 
Christie DAVIES: Hašek, Švejk and the Poles ● 
Iwona FILIPCZAK: Immigrant to a Terrorist: On Liquid Fears in Hari Kunzru’s
Transmission  ● 
Folasade HUNSU: Autobiography and the Fictionalization of Africa in the Twenty-first Century:
Abdul Razak Gurnah’s Art in Desertion  ● 
Sara Soleimani KARBALAEI: Iris Murdoch’s The Black Prince: A Valorization of Metafiction
as a Virtuous Aesthetic Practice  ● 
Karsten H. PIEP: “Home to Harlem, Away from Harlem”: Transnational Subtexts in Nella
Larsen’s Quicksand and Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA: From Hispanophobia to Hispanophilia: Travel Writing, Tourism and Politics
in Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century New Mexico ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2014, iss. 1

Eliecer CRESPO FERNÁNDEZ: Euphemisms and Political Discourse in the British Regional
Press  ● 
Marta DYNEL: On the Part of Ratified Participants: Ratified Listeners in Multi-party
Interactions  ● 
Péter FURKÓ and Ágnes ABUCZKI: English Discourse Markers in Mediatised Political
Interviews  ● 
Christopher HOPKINSON: Face Effects of Verbal Antagonism in Online Discussions  ● 
Petra HUSCHOVÁ: Possibility Readings of can and may and Their Potential
Interchangeability  ● 
Helena LOHROVÁ: Investigating the Language of Decision-making: The Combined Use
of Discursive Practices  ● 
Maria MARTÍNEZ LIROLA: Legitimating the Return of Immigrants in Spanish Media
Discourse  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2013, iss. 2

Dan BROWNE: Objects of Vision: The Polymorphic Cinema of Michael Snow ● 
Samantha WILSON: Sirmilik, Geographical Experience, and the Question of Landscape  ● 
Darrell VARGA: On True Meaning(s) and the Impossibility of Documentary in the Films
of Jennifer Baichwal  ● 
Nathan CLARKSON: Aura, Aurora and Aurality: The Narrative of Place in Picture
of Light  ● 
Part Two: Permeable Boundaries, Places-In-Between
Jim LEACH: In-Between States: Sarah Polley’s Take This Waltz and Xavier Dolan’s Laurence
Anyways  ● 
José Rodríguez HERRERA: Away from Her? Sarah Polley’s Screen adaptation of Alice
Munro’s “The Bear Came Over The Mountain” ● 
André LOISELLE: Canadian Horror, American Bodies: Corporeal Obsession and Cultural
Projection in American Nightmare, American Psycho, and American Mary  ● 
Marcel ARBEIT: When Seeing and Hearing Do Not Help: Communication Failures
in Canadian Films

In stock 1 piece.
2013, iss. 1

Christopher HOPKINSON: Trolling in Online Discussions: From Provocation to Community-
building  ● 

Marcela MALÁ: Notes on Norms and Usage of Finite/Non-Finite Predication in Written
English  ● 
Danica MALEKOVÁ: Self-reference in the Leads of Institutional Press Releases  ● 
Frane MALENICA and Ivo FABIJANIĆ: Abbreviations in English Military Terminology  ● 
Chit Cheung Matthew SUNG: Media Representations of Gender and Leadership: From
a Discourse Perspective  ● 
Angeliki TZANNE: When the Advertised Product Is Not the Target: Multimodal Metaphor
in Greek TV Commercials  ● 
Anna ZIĘBA: National Culture and the Thematic Structure of News Texts 

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 2

Jan Chovanec: Written Academic Discourse in English: From Local Traditions
to Global Outreach  ● 
Savka BLAGOJEVIĆ and Biljana MIŠIĆ ILIĆ: Interrogatives in English and Serbian
Academic Discourse – A Contrastive Pragmatic Approach  ● 
Olga DONTCHEVA-NAVRATILOVA: Lexical Bundles in Academic Texts by Non-native
Speakers ● 
Maurizio GOTTI: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Academic Discourse  ● 
Enrique LAFUENTE-MILLÁN: A contrastive Study of Generic Integrity in the Use
of Attitudinal Evaluation in Research Articles Written for Different Audiences  ● 
Rosa LORÉS-SANZ: Local Disciplines, Local Cultures: Praise and Criticism in British
and Spanish History Book Reviews  ● 
Pilar MUR-DUEÑAS: With regard to L2 Academic Writing: The Use of Topicalisers in L1
(English and Spanish) and L2 (English) Research Articles  ● 
Renata POVOLNÁ: Causal and Contrastive Discourse Markers in Novice Academic
Writing  ● 
Josef Schmied: Academic Knowledge Presentation in MA Theses: from Corpus
Compilation to Case Studies of Disciplinary Conventions .

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 1

Lorene M. BIRDEN: Layers of Naming and Responsibility in Saki’s Short Stories  ● 
Anna GRMELOVÁ: “We Murder to Dissect”: Enjoyment of Beauty versus Theoretical
Rigour in Zadie Smith’s On Beauty  ● 
Ihsen Hachaichi: “There is Sex in Mind”: Scientific Determinism and the Woman
Question in Lady Audley’s Secret  ● 
Agnieszka ŁOBODZIEC: Toni Morrison’s Discredited Magic – Magical Realism in Beloved
Revisited  ● 
Pramod K. NAYAR: The “Disorderly Memsahib”: Political Domesticity in Alice Perrin’s
Empire Fiction  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL: As Crippled As It Gets: Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun
(1939; 1971) ● 
Robert TINDOL: The Star-Trek Borg as an All-American Captivity Narrative  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA: “To Love Silence and Darkness:” Uneasy Transcendence in Louise Glück’s
Poems .

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2011, iss. 2

Rob BAUM: Aphra Behn’s Black Body: Sex, Lies & Narrativity in Oroonoko  ● 
Nina BOSNIČOVÁ: Transgressive Black Female Selfhood ● 
Brigitte BOUDREAU: Libidinal Life: Bram Stoker, Homosocial Desire
and the Stokerian Biographical Project  ● 
Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Prick lit or naked hope? Self-exposure in Hanif Kureishi’s Intimacy  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ: The Red Queen: Margaret Drabble’s (Auto)Biographical Pastiche  ● 
Evelyne HANQUART-TURNER: The Rogue’s Progress: The In-Between World
of Vikram Lall  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2011, iss. 1

Martin ADAM: Towards a Syntactic-Semantic Typology of Presentation Scale Sentences
in Fiction Narratives  ● 
Magdaléna BILÁ and Anna DŽAMBOVÁ: A Preliminary Study on the Function of Silent
Pauses in L1 and L2 Speakers of English and German  ● 
Marta DYNEL: Stranger than Fiction? A Few Methodological Notes on Linguistic Research
in Film Discourse  ● 
Ela KREJČOVÁ: “That’s an Interesting Question, Indeed, not Only for You and I”:
A (Non-Systematic) Fluctuation of Personal Pronoun Forms  ● 
Paul LENNON: Ludic Language: The Case of the Punning Echoic Allusion  ● 
Judit NAGY: Metaphors of Weather in Canadian Short Prose  ● 
Douglas PONTON: Getting Past the Gatekeepers: Membership and Identity in 5-Live’s ‘World
Football Phone-in’  ● 
Barbara SOUKUP: Speaker Design in the Context of Southern American English: Process
Models and Empirical Evidence . ● 
Dita TRČKOVÁ: Multi-Functionality of Metaphor in Newspaper Discourse  ● 
Ludmila ZEMKOVÁ: The Analysis of Gender Markers in Animals

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2010, iss. 2

Rebekah BLOYD: Real Deep Surprises  ● 
Sharon BUTALA: Remember This: Transgression in Memoirs: The Perfection of the Morning
and The Girl in Saskatoon  ● 
Donna COATES: “Disturbers of the Peace”: Lynda Van Devanter’s Home Before Morning:
The Story of an Army Nurse in Vietnam and W. D. Ehrhart’s Passing Time: Memoir
of a Vietnam Veteran Against the War  ● 
Amanda HALE: Imagining a Geometry of the Soul  ● 
Theresa KISHKAN: Quercus virginiana: Degrees of Separation  ● 
Raili MARLING: Masculinity in the Margins: Hidden Narratives of the Self
in T. E. Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom  ● 
Thomas McCONNELL: Writing It Up, Writing It Down  ● 
Richard PICKARD: Reluctance, Protest, and Hybridity: Environmental Engagement
in Memoirs from British Columbia  ● 
Randall ROORDA: Footprint: In Lieu of Life Story  ● 
Christopher STUART: Learning to Live Between the Lines: The Survival of Autobiography
as Genre and the Example of Tobias Wolff’s This Boy’s Life ● 
Aritha van HERK: Running [From] the Family Toward Story

In stock 1 piece.
2010, iss. 1

Marina DOSSENA: Dialect and Vernacular Features in Late Modern English Correspondence:
Beginnings of a Quest  ● 
Libuše Dušková: Syntactic Construction, Information Structure and Textual Role:
An Interface View of the Cleft Sentence  ● 
Jesús Fernández-Domínguez: N+N Compounding in English: Semantic Categories
and the Weight of Modifiers  ● 
Irena Headlandová Kalischová: Intonation in Discourse: Why Do Czech Speakers
of English Not Always Use It to Enhance the Meaning?  ● 
Leonhard LIPKA: Observational Linguistics, Neologisms, Entrenchment, and the Tea Party
Movement ● 
María Martínez Lirola and Bradley Smith: Contextual Functions of Predicated Themes
in Written Text: Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) as Dialogue with
Apartheid South Africa  ● 
Dagmar SAGEDER: Terminology Today: A Science, an Art or a Practice? Some Aspects on
Terminology and Its Development  ● 

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2009, iss. 2

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ: Word Order and Linear Modification in English  ● 
Libuše Dušková: Noun Modification in Fiction and Academic Prose  ● 
Aleš Klégr: “The Fifth Element”: A Remark on the FSP Factors  ● 

Karin AIJMER: Please: A Politeness Formula Viewed in a Translation Perspective  ● 
Angela DOWNING: Surely as a Marker of Dominance and Entitlement in the Crime Fiction
of P.D. James  ● 
Renata Povolná: On Contrastive Relations in Academic Spoken Discourse  ● 

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2009, iss. 1

Aylin ATILLA: Between the Acts: A Step Beyond the Traditional Historical Novel  ● 
Klára BICANOVÁ: The Dangers of Wit: Re-examination of C.S. Lewis’s Study of a Word  ● 
Anna CETERA: Translating the Translated: The Evergreen Classics Storm the Publishing
Market Again  ● 
Rainer EMIG: Reverse Translation – Perverse Translation? The Strategies of Alexander
McCall Smith’s The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Novels  ● 
Roy GOLDBLATT: Work as a Mode of Assimilation in Twentieth-Century Jewish American
Literature  ● 
Janka KAŠČÁKOVÁ: “My Flowerless Ones”: Representations of Unmarried Women
in the Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield  ● 
Dagmar PEGUES: Regional Aesthetics: The Formation of Identities and Stereotypes
in the Fiction of Grace King and Kate Chopin  ● 
Şebnem TOPLU: Woman’s Third Age: The Seven Sisters by Margaret Drabble

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 13 (2007)

Martin ADAM: On Semantic Determinacy of Dialogues Within the Framework of Written
Religious Discourse  ● 
Jan CHOVANEC: The Role of Nationality Contrasts in the Discursive Construction
of an Ingroup Member: The Woodward Case in the Telegraph  ● 
Renata KAMENICKÁ: Defining Explicitation in Translation  ● 
Naděžda KUDRNÁČOVÁ: Caused Motion Events as Complex Structures  ● 
Olga Dontcheva-NAVRATILOVA: Style Markers of Resolutions: Clause Patterns and Verb
Complementation  ● 
Gabriela MIŠŠÍKOVÁ: Pragmatic Dimensions in Stylistic Analysis  ● 
Peter NEWMARK: A New Theory of Translation

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 12 (2006)

Nina BOSNIČOVÁ: Malcolm X and the Fair Sex: Representation of Women
in Malcolm X’s Autobiography  ● 
Zuzana FONIOKOVÁ: The Butler’s Suspicious Dignity: Unreliable Narration in Kazuo
Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ: “Come along, quick, quick, don’t keep Father waiting.” Family Drama
in Edna O’Brien’s Virginia  ● 
Bernd HERZOGENRATH: (American) Culture and Its Discontents – The Case
of F. W. Murnau  ● 
Ema JELÍNKOVÁ: Jane Austen and the Blissful Amnesia in Northanger Abbey ● 
Michael Matthew KAYLOR: “Because Beneath the Lake a Treasure Sank”:
Dolben as Johnson’s Uranian Heir  ● 
Rama KUNDU: Rushdie’s Story of ‘The Sea of Stories’: The Text as an Echoing
Space  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL: Moon over Harlem: Edgar G. Ulmer, the Race Movies
and the New Negro Agenda  ● 
Zsófia Anna TÓTH: Chicago in Its Doubles  ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 11 (2005)

Rebekah Bloyd: Sounds and Silences in the Jamaican Household: Michelle Cliff’s
“Columba”  ● 
Nina Bosničová: Changing Perspectives on Religion in African American Women’s
Autobiographies  ● 
Pavel Drábek: František Nevrla’s Translation of Hamlet  ● 
Milada Franková: Jane Rogers’s Novel Explorations ● 
Lidia Kyzlinková: Rendell/Vine: The Historical Universality of Degradation Between
Nations and Genders  ● 
Tomáš Pospíšil: Spies, Bombers, Liberators and Lovers: Images of Americans in Czech
Film  ● 
Jaume Alberto Poveda: Villains and the Representations of Evil in J. R. R. Tolkien‘s Fiction
of Middle-Earth ● 
Jana Přidalová: Symbolic Images of Mimesis, Tromp l’Oeil and a Veil in Shakespeare’s
The Winter’s Tale ● 
Martina Vránová: Intertextuality in Love Among the Ruins .

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 10 (2004)

Jitka VLČKOVÁ, Immigrants' integration into the mainstream culture in Australia
(as reflected in personál advertisements)  ● 
Nina BOSNIČOVÁ, Lonely fighters and communal talkers: a comparative analysis
of male and female slavě narratives  ● 
Anna BUDZIAK, Oscar Wilde's refutation of "depth" in The Picture ofDorian Gray:
a reading  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ, Maureen Duffy's European interest: Illuminations, Restitution  ● 
Stephen HARDY , Manchester and its meanings: towards a cultural politics of devolution  ● 
Martina NOSKOVÁ, The Etemal Female: a contribution to the gendered readings of William
Blake's Thel and Oothoon  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL, The liberal message films of the late 1940s and the position
of Afričan-Americans  ● 
Klára SZMAŇKO, The trope of Name Woman in American fiction and ethnography featuring
Asian Women  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA , Personál icons: women and goddesses in Eliot, Williams, and Roethke

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 9 (2003)

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVA , Pitch patterns of English and Czech indicative and interrogative sentences  ● 
Renata POVOLNA, Some notes on the use of I mean in English face-to-face conversation ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Personal advertisements in a tabloid and a broadsheet  ● 
Martin ADAM , Poetic religious text and FSP  ● 
Jan CHOVANEC, The mixing of modes as a means of resolving the tension between
involvement and detachment in news headlines ● 
Josef FRONEK, Pronoun envy  ● 
Nadezda KUDRNACOVA , Spasmodic body part movements  ● 
Jaromir KADLE C and Jan HOLES, Language laws, linguistic situation and position
of French-speaking population in Canadian province of Ontario  ● 
Eva GOLKOVA , Bibliography of the publications of Professor Jan Firbas

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 8 (2002)

Martin ADAM , Some Special Aspects within the Th- and the Rh-layers  ● 
Jan CERMAK , A Diachronic Perspective on Old English Deadjectival Nouns Ending
in -p(u)/-t(u)  ● 
LibuSe DU§KOVA and TomaS KLEGR, Coordination as a factor in article usage  ● 
Naddzda KUDRNACOVA , The Internal Semantic Stucture Of Nod And Shrug  ● 
Milan RUZICKA, Temporalisation of Eventualities  ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Social Values, Their Linguistic Coding and Changes Through Time  ● 
Zdenka BRANDEJSKA, Devising Consolation: The Mental Landscapes of Stoppard's
Arcadia ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 6 (2000)

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVA , On the Capacity of Different Word Classes to Si gnal Prosodic
Prominence ● 
Nadelda KUDRNACOVA , Impulsivity and Suppressed Quantization in Body Part
Motion Verbs  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some Notes on Spatial and Temporal Adverbials with Regard to Functional
Sentence Perspective (Based on Conversational Texts from the LLC)  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , Accentuation in Authentic English Conversation  ● 
Milada FRANKOVA , The Mercurial Time of Jeanette Winterson's Prose  ● 
Lucie JANOUSOVA, Chatwins' Hill 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 5 (1999)

Jan FIRBAS, „Dogs must be carried on the escalator" (A case study in FSP potentiality)  ● 
NadSzda KUDRNACOVA , On impulsive verbs in body part movements  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some notes on realization types of spatial and temporal adverbials
with regard to their syntactic obligatoriness and semantic classification
(Based on Conversational Texts from the LLC)  ● 
Milan RUZICKA, Some marginal notes on polarity and negation  ● 
Dana SLANCAROVA , On the use of italics in English and Czech  ● 
Pavol STEKAUER, Fundamental principles of an onomasiological theory
of word-formation in English  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , On vagueness in authentic english conversation  ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 4 (1998)

Jan FIRBAS, On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective V
(Some more thoughts on Marie Luise Thein's critique of the theory)  ● 
Josef HLADKY , Notes on reduplicative words in English  ● 
Nadeida KUDRNACOVA , Intentionality of action in body part movements  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some notes on spatial and temporal adverbials in English conversation  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , Impersonality in radio interviews as a manifestation of semantic
indeterminacy ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Language and ideology: 'Nationalism' and racial coding in Australian
personal advertisements  ● 
Milada FRANKOVA , The Anti-Irish Stereotype in Molly Keane's Black Comedy  ● 
Anna GRMELOVA , 'The Prussian Officer' in the Context of D.H. Lawrence's Short Fiction  ● 
Steve HARDY , The Significance of Place in the Fictions of Raymond Williams
and Iain Sinclair

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