Brno Studies in English (2/2016)

Janka KAŠČÁKOVÁ: Modernism vs. Modernity: Katherine Mansfield as Critic  ● 
Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Wise Children and The Blind Assassin: Fictional (Auto)biographies  ● 
Danijela PETKOVIĆ: “A tiger will perhaps tear you to pieces, but he will not steal your life”:
The Politics of Animal Use in Barbara Chase-Riboud’s Hottentot Venus: A Novel ● 
Wit PIETRZAK: The Song of Nature, the Song of Hope: J. H. Prynne’s Pearls that Were  ● 
Jafar Mirzaee PORKOLI and Mohammad-Javad HAJ’JARI: Double-Effect Reasoning
in Paradise Lost: An Investigation into Milton’s God’s Will in Humankind’s Fall  ● 
Carlos VILLAR FLOR: Displacement and Exile in Evelyn Waugh’s Post-War Fiction ● 

  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISSN: 0524-6881
2024, iss. 1
In stock 9 pieces.
2023, iss. 2
In stock 8 pieces.
2023, iss. 1
In stock 6 pieces.
2022, iss. 2
In stock 4 pieces.
2022, iss. 1

Eleonora FOIS: News Translation and National Image in the Time of Covid-19 ● Valeria GIOFRÉ: Functions and Distribution of Determiners in Old English Genitive Noun Phrases ● Sandra JIMENÉZ-PAREJA: On the Adjective/Adverb Interface: Subject-Related –ly ● Elena V. KOSTAREVA and Tatiana I. UTKINA: Metadiscourse Use in Argumentative Essays Written by Russian Students at Different Levels of ESAP Study of Economics ● Tatiana SZCZYGLOWSKA: Exploring Obama’s and Trump’s Political Discourse through the Lens of Wordlists, Keywords and Clusters ● Jarosław WIŁIŃSKI: Metaphodioms: Connecting Metaphor and Idioms ● Ilona DOBOSIEWICZ: The City on the Moldau as a Liminal Space: Prague in Anthony Trollope’s Nina Balatka ● Lucia GRAUZĽOVÁ: Canadian Literature as an American Literature: CanLit through the Lens of Hemispheric American Literary Studies ●
Pawel KAPTUR: Rethinking Inspirations for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: A New Look at the Case of the Silesian Gravediggers’ Scandal of 1606 ● Bożena KUCAŁA: Carnage, Medicine and “The Woman Question”: Representations of the Crimean War in Neo-Victorian Fiction ● Katarzyna MACHAŁA: “That’s not how we hang people here.” Gilead in the eyes of witnesses in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments ● Sara SAEI DIBAVAR, Pyeaam ABBASI and Hossein PIRNAJMUDDIN: J. M. Coetzee’s Foe: A Narrative of Dislocation through Assimilation

In stock 4 pieces.
2021, iss. 2

Ludmila URBANOVÁ: Professor Emeritus Jan Svartvik and his Role in Corpus Linguistics ● Laura DI FERRANTE: Transitioning between Small Talk and Work Talk through Discourse Markers: Evidence from a Workplace Spoken Corpus Literary and Cultural Studies ● Amel ABBADY: ‘you cannot assimilate Indian ghosts’: A Magical Realist Reading of Louise Erdrich’s The Night Watchman ● Serena DEMICHELIS: Billy Budd, Foretopman: Re-reading Desire ● Bohumil FOŘT: Narratives, Their Gaps and Worlds ● José R. IBÁÑEZ: Identity and Religious Traits in Jewish Literature: A Hansenian Reading of the Short Fiction of Bernard Malamud and Nathan Englander ● Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Revenge of the Mutilated Wives: Bluebeards in Margaret Atwood’s Novels ● Andrija MATIĆ: “Gruff Old Scientists and Rough Old Scholars”: The Caricature of Intellectualism in Aldous Huxley’s Short Stories ●
Danijela PETKOVIČ: Fantasies of Resistance: Neil Gaiman’s “A Study in Emerald” and Bryan Singer’s X2:X-men United ● Dobrota PUCHEROVÁ: The “New South African Woman” in Angela Makholwa’s Crime Fiction in a Transnational Feminist Context ● Barbara SZOT: Introducing Flann O’Brien: An Analysis of the Paratexts of Translations to Czech and Polish ● Alice TIHELKOVÁ: From Boundary Estate to Grenfell Tower: The Changing Perceptions of the Role of Britain’s Council Housing ● Carlos VILLAR FLOR: Graham Greene and MI6: The Iberian Connection ● Zuzana BURÁKOVÁ: Weiss, Michaela. Tradition and Experiment: American Jewish Prose in the Period of Modernism

In stock 2 pieces.
2021, iss. 1

Ludmila URBANOVÁ: In Memory of Jan Firbas ● Bebwa ISINGOMA: Politeness Strategies in Ugandan English: Making Requests and Responding to Thanks ● Amanda ROIG-MARÍN: Blending and Compounding in English Coroneologisms ● José Antonio SANCHEZ FAJARDO: Morphophonological Salience through Constructional Schemas: An Analysis of Two Case Studies of English Slang Words Ending in {o} ● Zahra SHIRIAN DASTJERDI, Helen TAN, and Seyed Foad EBRAHIMI: Voice in Rhetorical Units of Results and Discussion Chapter of Master’s Theses: Across Science Study ● Mária ŠIMKOVÁ: Attitude and Graduation as resources of masculinity construction in YouTube vlogs Literary and Cultural Studies ● Petr ANTÉNE: Howard Jacobson’s Live a Little: The Jewish Jane Austen’s 21st Century Novel of Manners ● Simon FEATHERSTONE: Wars in Common: David Jones, John Ball and Representations of Collective Experience in First World War Writing ●
Pariza CHANGIZI: Lucrative Art of Disaster: Fetishized Apocalypse, Culture of Fear and Hurricane ‘Tammy’ in Nathaniel Rich’s Odds Against Tomorrow ● Katarzyna MACHAŁA: The Handmaid’s Tale vs. The Handmaid’s Tale. The Graphic Novel as a Modern Reading of the Traditional Novel ● Ivona MIŠTEROVÁ: Who Is Afraid of William Shakespeare? Shakespeare for Young Adults ● Irina RABINOVICH: Across the Atlantic: Grace Aguilar’s Correspondence with Miriam and Solomon Cohen ● Soňa ŠNIRCOVÁ: Metamodern Sensibility in Jenni Fagan’s ‘The Waken’ ● Eduardo VALLS OYARZUN: “Tell Us, Irma, Tell Us:” (Re)fashioning Neo-Victorian Memory in Joan Lindsay’s Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) ● Michaela WEISS: Literary tourism and the Shaping of Space and Identity in Victoria Hislop’s novel The Island

In stock 2 pieces.
2020, iss. 2

Fabio CARRELLA: #Populism on Twitter: Statistical Analysis of the Correlation between Tweet Popularity and “Populist” Discursive Features ● María MARTÍNEZ-LIROLA: A Multimodal Analysis of Daddy’s Roommate: Deconstructing Compositional and Interpersonal Meanings ● Magda SUČKOVÁ: First Language Attrition in Voice Onset Times in Anglophone Expatriates Residing in the Czech Republic ● Silvie VÁLKOVÁ and Jana KOŘÍNKOVÁ: Strategies of Positive Evaluation in Computer-Mediated Communication ● Jason BLAKE: Geology and Story in Alice Munro’s “Axis” ● Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Non-Normative Victorians: Ian McGuire’s The North Water as a Neo-Victorian Novel ● Ewelina FELDMAN-KOŁODZIEJUK: Tribute to Newfoundland, Tribute to Fatherland: Michael Crummey’s Sweetland in a Geocritical Perspective ● Mohammad-Javad HAJ’JARI and Nasser MALEKI: Auster’s Leviathan: When the “Voice of Conscience” Calls Out ● Kinga JĘCZMIŃSKA: “On the battlefield of life”: J. M. Coetzee’s Life & Times of Michael K in the light of the mind-body problem ●
Shobana JEYASINGAM, Manimangai MANI, Rosli TALIF and Mohammad Ewan AWANG: Rooted Cosmopolitan Identity and Internalized Homophobia in Farzana Doctor’s Stealing Nasreen ● Katarzyna KOZAK: Depicting a Political Rival: Evolution of Richard Steele’s Essay Periodical Writing ● María Jesús MARTÍNEZ-ALFARO: Parasites, Plagiarists and “Fictual” Stories in Charles Palliser’s “A Nice Touch” and “The Catch” ● Jopi NYMAN: Writing the Armenian Genocide in Eve Makis’s The Spice Box Letters: Trauma, Diaspora, Community ● Wit PIETRZAK: Poetry as Endurance: Caitríona O’Reilly’s Geis ● Magdalena SAWA: “We Need to Rediscover the Living Body”: Gabriel Josipovici’s Metamodern Project in Goldberg: Variations ● Beatriz Pérez ZAPATA: Exploring Death and Grief: Zen in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man ● Jan CHOVANEC: Ponton, Douglas Mark. 2020. Understanding Political Persuasion. Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis ● Michaela WEISS: Anténe, Petr. 2019. Howard Jacobson’s Novels in the Context of Contemporary British Jewish Literature

In stock 2 pieces.
2020, iss. 1

Cinzia Giglioni: Italian corporate codes of ethics : the influence of national regulatory framework
● Małgorzata Paprota: Attack metaphors of the welfare state and austerity across the British press, 2008–2015
● Łukasz Stolarski: The influence of character's gender and the basic emotions of "happiness" and "sadness" on voice pitch in the reading of fiction
● Anna Branach-Kallas: Vimy, Gallipoli, trauma, and the poetics of grief : re-reading the myths of the First World War in Jane Urquhart's The Stone Carvers and Brenda Walker's The Wing of Night
● Alireza Fakhrkonandeh: Humour as an art of descent and negative dialectics : a deleuzian analysis of the functions of humour in Trevor Griffiths' Comedians
● Alberto Gabriele: Pre-cinematic vision and the modern episteme of sympathy in George Eliot's Middlemarch
● Sylwia Gryciuk: Children in the blood jet of poetry : Sylvia Plath's poetic tale of infanticide
● Oliver Hirsch: Beckett's Waiting for Godot : a historical play with two Jews as main characters
● Michał Kapis: Circular concept of time in Lee Maracle's Ravensong and Tomson Highway's Kiss of the Fur Queen
● Weronika Łaszkiewicz: Native Americans in Charles de Lint's The Wind in His Heart
● Maxim Shadurski: The singularity and H.G. Wells's conception of the world brain
● Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero: "Making my Meaning Understood" : analysing metaphors in Great Expectations
● Irene Visser: Reckless innocence, non-anger and forgiveness : moral knowledge in Penelope Fitzgerald's fiction

In stock 2 pieces.
2019, iss. 2

Libuše Dušková: Information structure in parallel texts : a Czech-English view ● Magdalena Hanusková: Interactive repair among English as a lingua franca speakers in academic settings ● Isabel Herrando-Rodrigo: Raising awareness around writers' voice in academic discourse : an analysis of writers' (in)visibility ● Oleksandr Kapranov: Discourse markers in online writing by early balanced English/Italian bilinguals ● Jana Kozubíková Šandová: Audience involvement in academic book review articles : an English and Czech comparative study ● Renáta Panocová; Lukáš Lukačín: Epistemic modal markers in two domains of academic research papers in English ● Maciej Reda: Thematic structure vs. information structure in the analysis of translation shifts ● Paula Rodríguez-Abruñeiras: On exemplifying markers in present-day British and American English : formal and functional implications

In stock 3 pieces.
2019, iss. 1

Petr CHALUPSKÝ: "Something odd and beautiful": literary cartography in Jim Crace's Harvest ● Rebeca GUALBERTO: Unmasking romance in The Tempest : politics, theatre and T.S. Eliot ● Tihana KLEPAČ: Mary Helena Fortune: an independent fly in the webs of Victorian society ● Ewa KOWAL: Nostalgia, Kitsch and the Great Recession in Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last and Westworld (Season ) ● Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Polyphonic resonances of fairy tales and myths : The Magic Toyshop and Life Before Man ● Jeff SMITH: Lincoln's miniature Bible: performing sacred history in the Gettysburg Address ● Alfred THOMAS: Shakespeare's Bohemia: terror and toleration in early modern Europe ● José M. YERBA: The palimpsestuous face of the other : homoerotic memory in Alan Hollinghurst's The Stranger's Child 

In stock 1 piece.
2018, iss. 2

Kamran AHMADGOLI and Seyed-Nima TAHERI-AZAM: Dwelling in the "Darkness Echoing": the poetic vision of Seamus Heaney and Martin Heidegger ● Olga A. DZHUMAYLO: Martin Amis's The Pregnant Widow as a postmodern confessional novel ● Dita HOCHMANOVÁ: The problem of ridicule in Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews ● Ewa KĘBŁOWSKA-ŁAWNICZAK: In search of a new epistemology of the urban in the writing of Ivan Vladislavić ● Klara SZMAŃKO: Reminiscing in white in Fae Myenne Ng's Bone ● Joanna STOLAREK: Fluid identities and social dislocation in the face of crime, guilt and ethics in Patricia Highsmith's The Talented Mr Ripley and The Tremor of Forgery

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2018, iss. 1

Wojciech DRĄG: Cutting to the chase: microfictions, empathy and the new sincerity ● Esther MUÑOZ-GONZÁLEZ: The Americans: domesticity and regendering of classical spy narratives ● Magdalena OŻARSKA: 'Killing' her journal with delayed paratext? Mary Shelley's journal intertitles and other distinctive features ● Wit PIETRZAK: For 'Mythical' read 'Empathic': Paul Muldoon's 'Third Epistle to Timothy' and 'The Bangle (Slight Return)' as Exercises in Empathy ● Anna Maria TOMCZAK: Remembering Marley: a portrayal of the reggae superstar in Marlon James's A Brief History of Seven Killings

In stock 1 piece.
2017, iss. 2

Sini EIKONSALO: “[S]ometimes America needs to be pushed”: Amy Waldman’s
The Submission and the Early American 9/11 Novels  ● 
Stanislav KOLÁŘ: Magical Realism and Allegory in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing
on the Moon  ● 
Mojca KREVEL: A Tale of Being Everything: Literary Subject in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for
the Time Being  ● 
Karam NAYEBPOUR: The Training Impact of Experience in Jane Austen’s Emma  ● 
Katarzyna OJRZYŃSKA: Supernatural Substitution and Abduction in the Drama
of the Irish Revival  ● 
Marcin TERESZEWSKI: Reconciling Your Self: Individuation and Ontological Ambiguity
in J.G. Ballard’s The Empire of the Sun and The Drowned World  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2017, iss. 1

Nataša KOSTIČ: The Distributional Asymmetries of English Antonyms in Language Use ● 
Halyna KRYZHANIVSKA: The Media Genre of the Personal Account: Rhetorical
and Linguistic Construction of the Socio-Cultural Setting . ● 
Danica MALEKOVÁ: The Comic of the Heroes – a Case Study of the Role of Humour
in Reflecting National Identity  ● 
Jana PELCLOVÁ: Signifying Brno – Creating Urban Space, Shaping the City  ● 
Irmina WAWRZYCZEK: Racist and Neo-Nazi Panic in the Euro 2012 Coverage
by the British Press: A Discursive Failure in Interculturalism  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2016, iss. 2

Janka KAŠČÁKOVÁ: Modernism vs. Modernity: Katherine Mansfield as Critic  ● 
Katarína LABUDOVÁ: Wise Children and The Blind Assassin: Fictional (Auto)biographies  ● 
Danijela PETKOVIĆ: “A tiger will perhaps tear you to pieces, but he will not steal your life”:
The Politics of Animal Use in Barbara Chase-Riboud’s Hottentot Venus: A Novel ● 
Wit PIETRZAK: The Song of Nature, the Song of Hope: J. H. Prynne’s Pearls that Were  ● 
Jafar Mirzaee PORKOLI and Mohammad-Javad HAJ’JARI: Double-Effect Reasoning
in Paradise Lost: An Investigation into Milton’s God’s Will in Humankind’s Fall  ● 
Carlos VILLAR FLOR: Displacement and Exile in Evelyn Waugh’s Post-War Fiction ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2016, iss. 1

Argiris ARCHAKIS and Villy TSAKONA: Legitimizing and Resistance Identities in Immigrant
Students’ School Essays: Towards a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy ● 
Naďa KUDRNÁČOVÁ: On Correlations between Range in Verb Descriptivity and Syntactic
Applicability  ● 
Katarzyna MOLEK-KOZAKOWSKA: Framing Disease, Ageing and Death in Popular Science
Journalism ● 
Pilar MUR-DUEÑAS and Jolanta ŠINKŪNIENĖ: Self-reference in Research Articles across
Europe and Asia: A Review of Studies ● 
María Jesús PINAR SANZ and Jesús MOYA GUIJARRO: Irony and humor in Princess
Smartypants  ● 
Jesús ROMERO-BARRANCO: Adverbials and Inversion in Early English Scientific
Writing  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2015, iss. 2

Nóra HORVÁTH: ‘Lovers of beauty’ – the Oeuvres of George Santayana, Fred Holland Day
and Edward Perry Warren as Exemplifications of Aesthetics of Existence Influenced
by the Platonic Eros  ● 
Joel J. JANICKI: The Art of Losing: Historical Allusions in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation
Blues ● 
Renata JANKTOVÁ: Reshaping Meanings: D. H. Lawrence and the ‘Lady Chatterley Trial’
in A. S. Byatt’s Babel Tower  ● 
Petra SLAVÍČKOVÁ: Hurston’s ‘Real Negro Theatre’: Participation Observation of African
American Folk  ● 
Andrea F. SZABÓ: Alice Munro’s Australian Mirror Stories  ● 
Ivona MIŠTEROVÁ: Inter Arma Non Silent Musae: Shakespeare as a Symbol of the Czech
Pro-Allied Attitude during the Great War  ● 
Karla KOVALOVÁ: Shaping Black Feminist Literary Criticism: On Intersections of Legal
and Literary Narratives  ● 
Alice TIHELKOVÁ: Framing the ‘Scroungers’: the Re-Emergence of the Stereotype
of the Undeserving Poor and Its Reflection in the British Press  ● 
Eva VALENTOVÁ: The Triumph of Pan: Hermaphroditism and Sexual Inversion
in Victor Benjamin Neuburg’s Poetry

In stock 1 piece.
2015, iss. 1

Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Playfulness as Apologia for a Strong Story in Ian McEwan’s
Sweet Tooth  ● 
Bożena KUCAŁA: Unspoken Dialogues and Non-listening Listeners in Graham Swift’s
Fiction ● 
Lucia OTRÍSALOVÁ: (Re)inscribing Blackness onto the Canadian Soil: Memory
and Resistance in Contemporary African-Canadian Drama  ● 
Wit PIETRZAK: “Bringing a New Soul into Ireland”: Literary Culture and Poetics of Orality
in W. B. Yeats’s Early Critical Writings  ● 
Dobrota PUCHEROVÁ: Forms of Resistance against the African Postcolony in Brian
Chikwava’s Harare North  ● 
Richard T. STOCK: Native Storytelling and Narrative Innovation: Louise Erdrich’s Love
Medicine as Fictional Ethnography ● 
Irene VISSER and Laura KAAI: The Books That Lived: J.K. Rowling and the Magic
of Storytelling  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2014, iss. 2

Ofure O. M. AITO: The Poet as Town-Crier in a Nation in Conflict: Okigbo’s and Ojaide’s
Poetry ● 
Anna BUDZIAK: T. S. Eliot’s “La Figlia Che Piange” and the Tradition of Decadent
Aestheticism ● 
Christie DAVIES: Hašek, Švejk and the Poles ● 
Iwona FILIPCZAK: Immigrant to a Terrorist: On Liquid Fears in Hari Kunzru’s
Transmission  ● 
Folasade HUNSU: Autobiography and the Fictionalization of Africa in the Twenty-first Century:
Abdul Razak Gurnah’s Art in Desertion  ● 
Sara Soleimani KARBALAEI: Iris Murdoch’s The Black Prince: A Valorization of Metafiction
as a Virtuous Aesthetic Practice  ● 
Karsten H. PIEP: “Home to Harlem, Away from Harlem”: Transnational Subtexts in Nella
Larsen’s Quicksand and Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA: From Hispanophobia to Hispanophilia: Travel Writing, Tourism and Politics
in Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century New Mexico ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2014, iss. 1

Eliecer CRESPO FERNÁNDEZ: Euphemisms and Political Discourse in the British Regional
Press  ● 
Marta DYNEL: On the Part of Ratified Participants: Ratified Listeners in Multi-party
Interactions  ● 
Péter FURKÓ and Ágnes ABUCZKI: English Discourse Markers in Mediatised Political
Interviews  ● 
Christopher HOPKINSON: Face Effects of Verbal Antagonism in Online Discussions  ● 
Petra HUSCHOVÁ: Possibility Readings of can and may and Their Potential
Interchangeability  ● 
Helena LOHROVÁ: Investigating the Language of Decision-making: The Combined Use
of Discursive Practices  ● 
Maria MARTÍNEZ LIROLA: Legitimating the Return of Immigrants in Spanish Media
Discourse  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2013, iss. 2

Dan BROWNE: Objects of Vision: The Polymorphic Cinema of Michael Snow ● 
Samantha WILSON: Sirmilik, Geographical Experience, and the Question of Landscape  ● 
Darrell VARGA: On True Meaning(s) and the Impossibility of Documentary in the Films
of Jennifer Baichwal  ● 
Nathan CLARKSON: Aura, Aurora and Aurality: The Narrative of Place in Picture
of Light  ● 
Part Two: Permeable Boundaries, Places-In-Between
Jim LEACH: In-Between States: Sarah Polley’s Take This Waltz and Xavier Dolan’s Laurence
Anyways  ● 
José Rodríguez HERRERA: Away from Her? Sarah Polley’s Screen adaptation of Alice
Munro’s “The Bear Came Over The Mountain” ● 
André LOISELLE: Canadian Horror, American Bodies: Corporeal Obsession and Cultural
Projection in American Nightmare, American Psycho, and American Mary  ● 
Marcel ARBEIT: When Seeing and Hearing Do Not Help: Communication Failures
in Canadian Films

In stock 1 piece.
2013, iss. 1

Christopher HOPKINSON: Trolling in Online Discussions: From Provocation to Community-
building  ● 

Marcela MALÁ: Notes on Norms and Usage of Finite/Non-Finite Predication in Written
English  ● 
Danica MALEKOVÁ: Self-reference in the Leads of Institutional Press Releases  ● 
Frane MALENICA and Ivo FABIJANIĆ: Abbreviations in English Military Terminology  ● 
Chit Cheung Matthew SUNG: Media Representations of Gender and Leadership: From
a Discourse Perspective  ● 
Angeliki TZANNE: When the Advertised Product Is Not the Target: Multimodal Metaphor
in Greek TV Commercials  ● 
Anna ZIĘBA: National Culture and the Thematic Structure of News Texts 

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 2

Jan Chovanec: Written Academic Discourse in English: From Local Traditions
to Global Outreach  ● 
Savka BLAGOJEVIĆ and Biljana MIŠIĆ ILIĆ: Interrogatives in English and Serbian
Academic Discourse – A Contrastive Pragmatic Approach  ● 
Olga DONTCHEVA-NAVRATILOVA: Lexical Bundles in Academic Texts by Non-native
Speakers ● 
Maurizio GOTTI: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Academic Discourse  ● 
Enrique LAFUENTE-MILLÁN: A contrastive Study of Generic Integrity in the Use
of Attitudinal Evaluation in Research Articles Written for Different Audiences  ● 
Rosa LORÉS-SANZ: Local Disciplines, Local Cultures: Praise and Criticism in British
and Spanish History Book Reviews  ● 
Pilar MUR-DUEÑAS: With regard to L2 Academic Writing: The Use of Topicalisers in L1
(English and Spanish) and L2 (English) Research Articles  ● 
Renata POVOLNÁ: Causal and Contrastive Discourse Markers in Novice Academic
Writing  ● 
Josef Schmied: Academic Knowledge Presentation in MA Theses: from Corpus
Compilation to Case Studies of Disciplinary Conventions .

In stock 1 piece.
2012, iss. 1

Lorene M. BIRDEN: Layers of Naming and Responsibility in Saki’s Short Stories  ● 
Anna GRMELOVÁ: “We Murder to Dissect”: Enjoyment of Beauty versus Theoretical
Rigour in Zadie Smith’s On Beauty  ● 
Ihsen Hachaichi: “There is Sex in Mind”: Scientific Determinism and the Woman
Question in Lady Audley’s Secret  ● 
Agnieszka ŁOBODZIEC: Toni Morrison’s Discredited Magic – Magical Realism in Beloved
Revisited  ● 
Pramod K. NAYAR: The “Disorderly Memsahib”: Political Domesticity in Alice Perrin’s
Empire Fiction  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL: As Crippled As It Gets: Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun
(1939; 1971) ● 
Robert TINDOL: The Star-Trek Borg as an All-American Captivity Narrative  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA: “To Love Silence and Darkness:” Uneasy Transcendence in Louise Glück’s
Poems .

In stock 1 piece.
2011, iss. 2

Rob BAUM: Aphra Behn’s Black Body: Sex, Lies & Narrativity in Oroonoko  ● 
Nina BOSNIČOVÁ: Transgressive Black Female Selfhood ● 
Brigitte BOUDREAU: Libidinal Life: Bram Stoker, Homosocial Desire
and the Stokerian Biographical Project  ● 
Petr CHALUPSKÝ: Prick lit or naked hope? Self-exposure in Hanif Kureishi’s Intimacy  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ: The Red Queen: Margaret Drabble’s (Auto)Biographical Pastiche  ● 
Evelyne HANQUART-TURNER: The Rogue’s Progress: The In-Between World
of Vikram Lall  ● 

In stock 1 piece.
2011, iss. 1

Martin ADAM: Towards a Syntactic-Semantic Typology of Presentation Scale Sentences
in Fiction Narratives  ● 
Magdaléna BILÁ and Anna DŽAMBOVÁ: A Preliminary Study on the Function of Silent
Pauses in L1 and L2 Speakers of English and German  ● 
Marta DYNEL: Stranger than Fiction? A Few Methodological Notes on Linguistic Research
in Film Discourse  ● 
Ela KREJČOVÁ: “That’s an Interesting Question, Indeed, not Only for You and I”:
A (Non-Systematic) Fluctuation of Personal Pronoun Forms  ● 
Paul LENNON: Ludic Language: The Case of the Punning Echoic Allusion  ● 
Judit NAGY: Metaphors of Weather in Canadian Short Prose  ● 
Douglas PONTON: Getting Past the Gatekeepers: Membership and Identity in 5-Live’s ‘World
Football Phone-in’  ● 
Barbara SOUKUP: Speaker Design in the Context of Southern American English: Process
Models and Empirical Evidence . ● 
Dita TRČKOVÁ: Multi-Functionality of Metaphor in Newspaper Discourse  ● 
Ludmila ZEMKOVÁ: The Analysis of Gender Markers in Animals

In stock 1 piece.
2010, iss. 2

Rebekah BLOYD: Real Deep Surprises  ● 
Sharon BUTALA: Remember This: Transgression in Memoirs: The Perfection of the Morning
and The Girl in Saskatoon  ● 
Donna COATES: “Disturbers of the Peace”: Lynda Van Devanter’s Home Before Morning:
The Story of an Army Nurse in Vietnam and W. D. Ehrhart’s Passing Time: Memoir
of a Vietnam Veteran Against the War  ● 
Amanda HALE: Imagining a Geometry of the Soul  ● 
Theresa KISHKAN: Quercus virginiana: Degrees of Separation  ● 
Raili MARLING: Masculinity in the Margins: Hidden Narratives of the Self
in T. E. Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom  ● 
Thomas McCONNELL: Writing It Up, Writing It Down  ● 
Richard PICKARD: Reluctance, Protest, and Hybridity: Environmental Engagement
in Memoirs from British Columbia  ● 
Randall ROORDA: Footprint: In Lieu of Life Story  ● 
Christopher STUART: Learning to Live Between the Lines: The Survival of Autobiography
as Genre and the Example of Tobias Wolff’s This Boy’s Life ● 
Aritha van HERK: Running [From] the Family Toward Story

In stock 1 piece.
2010, iss. 1

Marina DOSSENA: Dialect and Vernacular Features in Late Modern English Correspondence:
Beginnings of a Quest  ● 
Libuše Dušková: Syntactic Construction, Information Structure and Textual Role:
An Interface View of the Cleft Sentence  ● 
Jesús Fernández-Domínguez: N+N Compounding in English: Semantic Categories
and the Weight of Modifiers  ● 
Irena Headlandová Kalischová: Intonation in Discourse: Why Do Czech Speakers
of English Not Always Use It to Enhance the Meaning?  ● 
Leonhard LIPKA: Observational Linguistics, Neologisms, Entrenchment, and the Tea Party
Movement ● 
María Martínez Lirola and Bradley Smith: Contextual Functions of Predicated Themes
in Written Text: Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) as Dialogue with
Apartheid South Africa  ● 
Dagmar SAGEDER: Terminology Today: A Science, an Art or a Practice? Some Aspects on
Terminology and Its Development  ● 

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2009, iss. 2

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ: Word Order and Linear Modification in English  ● 
Libuše Dušková: Noun Modification in Fiction and Academic Prose  ● 
Aleš Klégr: “The Fifth Element”: A Remark on the FSP Factors  ● 

Karin AIJMER: Please: A Politeness Formula Viewed in a Translation Perspective  ● 
Angela DOWNING: Surely as a Marker of Dominance and Entitlement in the Crime Fiction
of P.D. James  ● 
Renata Povolná: On Contrastive Relations in Academic Spoken Discourse  ● 

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2009, iss. 1

Aylin ATILLA: Between the Acts: A Step Beyond the Traditional Historical Novel  ● 
Klára BICANOVÁ: The Dangers of Wit: Re-examination of C.S. Lewis’s Study of a Word  ● 
Anna CETERA: Translating the Translated: The Evergreen Classics Storm the Publishing
Market Again  ● 
Rainer EMIG: Reverse Translation – Perverse Translation? The Strategies of Alexander
McCall Smith’s The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Novels  ● 
Roy GOLDBLATT: Work as a Mode of Assimilation in Twentieth-Century Jewish American
Literature  ● 
Janka KAŠČÁKOVÁ: “My Flowerless Ones”: Representations of Unmarried Women
in the Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield  ● 
Dagmar PEGUES: Regional Aesthetics: The Formation of Identities and Stereotypes
in the Fiction of Grace King and Kate Chopin  ● 
Şebnem TOPLU: Woman’s Third Age: The Seven Sisters by Margaret Drabble

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 13 (2007)

Martin ADAM: On Semantic Determinacy of Dialogues Within the Framework of Written
Religious Discourse  ● 
Jan CHOVANEC: The Role of Nationality Contrasts in the Discursive Construction
of an Ingroup Member: The Woodward Case in the Telegraph  ● 
Renata KAMENICKÁ: Defining Explicitation in Translation  ● 
Naděžda KUDRNÁČOVÁ: Caused Motion Events as Complex Structures  ● 
Olga Dontcheva-NAVRATILOVA: Style Markers of Resolutions: Clause Patterns and Verb
Complementation  ● 
Gabriela MIŠŠÍKOVÁ: Pragmatic Dimensions in Stylistic Analysis  ● 
Peter NEWMARK: A New Theory of Translation

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 12 (2006)

Nina BOSNIČOVÁ: Malcolm X and the Fair Sex: Representation of Women
in Malcolm X’s Autobiography  ● 
Zuzana FONIOKOVÁ: The Butler’s Suspicious Dignity: Unreliable Narration in Kazuo
Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ: “Come along, quick, quick, don’t keep Father waiting.” Family Drama
in Edna O’Brien’s Virginia  ● 
Bernd HERZOGENRATH: (American) Culture and Its Discontents – The Case
of F. W. Murnau  ● 
Ema JELÍNKOVÁ: Jane Austen and the Blissful Amnesia in Northanger Abbey ● 
Michael Matthew KAYLOR: “Because Beneath the Lake a Treasure Sank”:
Dolben as Johnson’s Uranian Heir  ● 
Rama KUNDU: Rushdie’s Story of ‘The Sea of Stories’: The Text as an Echoing
Space  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL: Moon over Harlem: Edgar G. Ulmer, the Race Movies
and the New Negro Agenda  ● 
Zsófia Anna TÓTH: Chicago in Its Doubles  ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 11 (2005)

Rebekah Bloyd: Sounds and Silences in the Jamaican Household: Michelle Cliff’s
“Columba”  ● 
Nina Bosničová: Changing Perspectives on Religion in African American Women’s
Autobiographies  ● 
Pavel Drábek: František Nevrla’s Translation of Hamlet  ● 
Milada Franková: Jane Rogers’s Novel Explorations ● 
Lidia Kyzlinková: Rendell/Vine: The Historical Universality of Degradation Between
Nations and Genders  ● 
Tomáš Pospíšil: Spies, Bombers, Liberators and Lovers: Images of Americans in Czech
Film  ● 
Jaume Alberto Poveda: Villains and the Representations of Evil in J. R. R. Tolkien‘s Fiction
of Middle-Earth ● 
Jana Přidalová: Symbolic Images of Mimesis, Tromp l’Oeil and a Veil in Shakespeare’s
The Winter’s Tale ● 
Martina Vránová: Intertextuality in Love Among the Ruins .

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 10 (2004)

Jitka VLČKOVÁ, Immigrants' integration into the mainstream culture in Australia
(as reflected in personál advertisements)  ● 
Nina BOSNIČOVÁ, Lonely fighters and communal talkers: a comparative analysis
of male and female slavě narratives  ● 
Anna BUDZIAK, Oscar Wilde's refutation of "depth" in The Picture ofDorian Gray:
a reading  ● 
Milada FRANKOVÁ, Maureen Duffy's European interest: Illuminations, Restitution  ● 
Stephen HARDY , Manchester and its meanings: towards a cultural politics of devolution  ● 
Martina NOSKOVÁ, The Etemal Female: a contribution to the gendered readings of William
Blake's Thel and Oothoon  ● 
Tomáš POSPÍŠIL, The liberal message films of the late 1940s and the position
of Afričan-Americans  ● 
Klára SZMAŇKO, The trope of Name Woman in American fiction and ethnography featuring
Asian Women  ● 
Piotr ZAZULA , Personál icons: women and goddesses in Eliot, Williams, and Roethke

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 9 (2003)

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVA , Pitch patterns of English and Czech indicative and interrogative sentences  ● 
Renata POVOLNA, Some notes on the use of I mean in English face-to-face conversation ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Personal advertisements in a tabloid and a broadsheet  ● 
Martin ADAM , Poetic religious text and FSP  ● 
Jan CHOVANEC, The mixing of modes as a means of resolving the tension between
involvement and detachment in news headlines ● 
Josef FRONEK, Pronoun envy  ● 
Nadezda KUDRNACOVA , Spasmodic body part movements  ● 
Jaromir KADLE C and Jan HOLES, Language laws, linguistic situation and position
of French-speaking population in Canadian province of Ontario  ● 
Eva GOLKOVA , Bibliography of the publications of Professor Jan Firbas

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 8 (2002)

Martin ADAM , Some Special Aspects within the Th- and the Rh-layers  ● 
Jan CERMAK , A Diachronic Perspective on Old English Deadjectival Nouns Ending
in -p(u)/-t(u)  ● 
LibuSe DU§KOVA and TomaS KLEGR, Coordination as a factor in article usage  ● 
Naddzda KUDRNACOVA , The Internal Semantic Stucture Of Nod And Shrug  ● 
Milan RUZICKA, Temporalisation of Eventualities  ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Social Values, Their Linguistic Coding and Changes Through Time  ● 
Zdenka BRANDEJSKA, Devising Consolation: The Mental Landscapes of Stoppard's
Arcadia ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 6 (2000)

Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVA , On the Capacity of Different Word Classes to Si gnal Prosodic
Prominence ● 
Nadelda KUDRNACOVA , Impulsivity and Suppressed Quantization in Body Part
Motion Verbs  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some Notes on Spatial and Temporal Adverbials with Regard to Functional
Sentence Perspective (Based on Conversational Texts from the LLC)  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , Accentuation in Authentic English Conversation  ● 
Milada FRANKOVA , The Mercurial Time of Jeanette Winterson's Prose  ● 
Lucie JANOUSOVA, Chatwins' Hill 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 5 (1999)

Jan FIRBAS, „Dogs must be carried on the escalator" (A case study in FSP potentiality)  ● 
NadSzda KUDRNACOVA , On impulsive verbs in body part movements  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some notes on realization types of spatial and temporal adverbials
with regard to their syntactic obligatoriness and semantic classification
(Based on Conversational Texts from the LLC)  ● 
Milan RUZICKA, Some marginal notes on polarity and negation  ● 
Dana SLANCAROVA , On the use of italics in English and Czech  ● 
Pavol STEKAUER, Fundamental principles of an onomasiological theory
of word-formation in English  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , On vagueness in authentic english conversation  ● 

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SPFFBU Řada anglistická. S 4 (1998)

Jan FIRBAS, On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective V
(Some more thoughts on Marie Luise Thein's critique of the theory)  ● 
Josef HLADKY , Notes on reduplicative words in English  ● 
Nadeida KUDRNACOVA , Intentionality of action in body part movements  ● 
Renata POVOLNA , Some notes on spatial and temporal adverbials in English conversation  ● 
Ludmila URBANOVA , Impersonality in radio interviews as a manifestation of semantic
indeterminacy ● 
Jitka VLCKOVA , Language and ideology: 'Nationalism' and racial coding in Australian
personal advertisements  ● 
Milada FRANKOVA , The Anti-Irish Stereotype in Molly Keane's Black Comedy  ● 
Anna GRMELOVA , 'The Prussian Officer' in the Context of D.H. Lawrence's Short Fiction  ● 
Steve HARDY , The Significance of Place in the Fictions of Raymond Williams
and Iain Sinclair

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