České právní dějiny po roce 1989

Given that more than thirty years have passed since the social and political changes after November 1989, it is necessary to begin to focus intensively on this period in the teaching of Czech and Czechoslovak legal history and to convey to students the circumstances and events in our legal development that preceded and often shaped the current legislation. The content of the textbook focuses primarily on legal developments in the 1990s. The depth of coverage and the period always depend on the subject matter or the relevant legal sector and its specificities. Attention is paid to both the history of the state and the law (the development of individual branches of law). The textbook also contains chapters on the issue of coming to terms with the totalitarian past (restitution, privatisation, lustration, and their legal regulation). In the case of the present textbook, it is the first and key treatment of this area of our post-revolutionary legal development. No similar textbook has ever been published by any Czech or Slovak law faculty.

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  • Number of pages: 220
  • Dimensions: 15x21
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0227-5