Cesty do Svaté země. XII.–XX. století
Title in English: Pilgrimages to the Holy Land XII–XX centuries. Myth and Reality in Russian and Czech Pilgrimages
Works of twelve major writers: six Russian (Abbot Daniil, Ioann Lukyanov, Abraham Norov, N. V. Gogol, Ivan Bunin and Andrei Bely) and six Czech ones (Martin Kabátník, Jan Hasištejnský, Oldřich Prefát, Václav Vratislav, Kryštof Harant and Jan Neruda) have been analysed and regarded as part of a wider European context. The comparison of the opposite sides of the church schism has discovered not only differences, but also common features of Russian and Czech pilgrimages, as well as their goals. The attention is paid also to the illustrations.
- Binding: Hardback with dustcover
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Linguistics and literary science, Theory and history of art and culture
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2013
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 335
- Dimensions: 16 × 23
- ISBN: 978-80-210-6139-2