Christian Gottfried Krause: O hudební poezii
“Von der musikalischen Poesie” can be recognised as one of the hitherto unjustly neglected and less known writings of the Berlin provenance of the second half of the 18th century – despite the figure of Ch. G. Krause and his most extensive work had a considerable influence on the formation of the aesthetic views of his contemporaries as well as a generation younger authors. Furthermore, Krause's treatise influenced the formation of the Prague intellectual milieu aesthetic views around 1800 and in the several decades that followed. The treatise offers a lot of valuable information for research related to the aesthetic, theoretical and practical aspects of musical art in the second half of the 18th century.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Theory and history of art and culture
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2022
- Series: Opera Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Masarykianae
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 343
- Dimensions: 16x23
- ISBN: 978-80-280-0145-2
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