Cizincem na Moravě

Title in English: Foreigner in Moravia. Legislation and routine for foreigners in Moravia between 1750 and 1867

The book describes the position of foreigners in Austria (1750 to 1867) in reference to Moravian conditions. The topic, to date not tackled by historical observation, opens a new view of the migration of inhabitants and particularly of the early modern state and its effort to record, control, and capacity of borders. In respect of the freedom of movement, the book pulls down the deep-rooted ideas on the privileged position of high society. Definitely, the passport regulations preferred professional and social groups the travel of which brought profit to the state. From this viewpoint, the least welcome were the gallant trips of young noblemen, while their working peers obtained travel documents without any difficulties. A network of period legal regulations, as established by the study of legal sources (laws and official correspondence) is compared to the historical reality as acquired on the basis of archive documents. The migration, borders, passport, visa, deportation, have been still topical due to the ever-increasing waves of refugees worldwide. The book show historical roots of this development, thus contributing to the understanding of everyday phenomena.

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  • Number of pages: 327
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-86488-45-5