Conjunctive Adverbials Viewed as Pragmatic Markers in the Genre of Research Articles
Title in English: .
This study looks into the occurrence of conjunctive adverbials (CAs) in the genre of research articles. The theoretical part first introduces CAs along with their main properties. Subsequently, the concepts of cohesion and coherence are investigated and since CAs are viewed as pragmatic markers, the concept of pragmatics is also examined. The last chapter concentrates on the demarcation of the general terms register and genre and then singles out two fields crucial to the present investigation: the register of academic prose and the genre of research articles. The three chapters of the analytical part deal with my research findings. The corpus analysis is based on a research article corpus of 100 published papers (50 representing soft and another 50 hard knowledge fields) in 10 academic disciplines (5 representing SKF and the other 5 HKF). The qualitative method is used in connection with the investigation of semantic roles of the CAs and their pragmatic implications, and the quantitative method helps to analyze the frequency of occurrence of individual semantic categories as well as particular CAs. This occurrence is analyzed not only in research articles as a whole, but also in their individual sections such as Abstracts, Introductions and Conclusions. The distribution of CAs in terms of their syntactic functions (i.e., the position(s) they take up in a clause) is also looked into. Realization forms of CAs are examined too.
- Binding: E-book
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Linguistics and literary science
- Language: Czech, English
- Publication year: 2017
- Colections (Books): Munispace
- Department: Faculty of Education
- Number of pages: 191
- ISBN: 978-80-210-8873-3