Dějiny předškolní pedagogiky

Title in English: History of pre-school pedagogy

Text “History of pre-school pedagogy” gives a brief view into a development of pre-school education in Czech countries but also in some countries of Europian Union. It catches a historical kontext of conception of childhood from primeval age till the end of the 20th century, then there are mentioned important researchers engaged in a child and a period of a pre- school age. Part of the text is dedicated to so-called reformatory motion and alternative pedagogical directions of the past and present. At the end of the text we mention a historical view on preparatory, but also a postgraduate education of a pre-school educationalist and on a changing aims of an individual educational programms in the last hundred years.

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  • Number of pages: 78
  • Dimensions: 15×21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5981-8