Dělba soudní moci v České republice

Title in English: Division of Judicial Power in the Czech Republic

The times when the judiciary was a somewhat unstructured monolith belonged to the past. Nowadays, the situation is significantly different, as there is an increasing tendency to divide and specialise the judiciary. This phenomenon is, to a certain extent, a natural reflection of the constant expansion of the rule of law, but there is an unwanted by-product: complexity of the legal order, considerable financial burden on the state budget and, last but not least, significant increase in the influence of the judiciary. This proceedings deal with these and related topics. The authors of the papers are judges and staff of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic and academic specialists from the law schools in Brno, Bratislava, Pilsen and Prague.

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  • Number of pages: 287
  • Dimensions: 15 × 21
  • ISBN: 80-210-3318-5