Dny práva 2018

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Title in English: Days of Law 2018. Marriage for all?

Family law is constantly changing, and the portrait of family varies as well. In many countries, the gender neutral marriage was regulated as typical model. It means that marriage can be concluded by both a man and a woman and by the same sex couples. On the contrary, in some countries, efforts are being made to support the conservative concept of marriage and to strengthen the traditional family, including in the Constitutions or the Charters of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. In the process of searching for European standards in the light of the ECtHR case-law and the traditions of Christian-Jewish culture, a lot of topics are discussed. That is why, contributions from many points of view are welcomed.

FREE e-book
  • Number of pages: 196
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9304-1