E-learning jako prostředek pro rozvoj cizojazyčného akademického psaní v anglickém jazyce

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Title in English: E-learning as a Tool for Developing EFL Academic Writing.

The publication investigates the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in tertiary EFL instruction. It is inspired by three factors, namely the current emphasis on the internalisation of Czech universities, the ongoing search for opportunities for developing learners’ academic writing skills outside the classroom, and the potential that is commonly associated with the use of ICT in EFL instruction in terms of fulfilling current didactic principles. The main focus is placed on the evaluation of the effects of a 100% e-learning EFL academic writing course on the development of discourse competence in participating students. In addition, implications of the research findings in the form of didactic recommendations for syllabus design are presented.

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  • Number of pages: 233
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8819-1