Efektivnost v systému zpětných toků

Title in English: Effectiveness in the system of revere flows

This book deals with reverse logistics from the economical point of view. Various types of losses occurring in this business system can diminish the performance of the system, and thus the competitiveness of the whole company. These losses are the main focus of this book. The book aims to define the research problems; more specifically the bottlenecks restraining the value recovery from reverse flows. The text is organized in three parts: The first one deals with performance measurement of reverse logistics, the second elaborates on outsourcing and the third deals with the informational systems supporting reverse flows. All research areas combine theoretical knowledge obtained by literature research with empirical findings. Both quantitative study among representatives of the enterprises operating in the Czech Republic, and one enterprise case study were used.


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  • Number of pages: 83
  • Dimensions: 14,8 x 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6600-7