Entre la fantasía y el compromiso
Title in English: Between fantasy and commitment. The narrative and dramatic work of José Herrera Petere
José Herrera Petere (Guadalajara, 1909 – Geneva, 1977). Novelist, dramatist, poet and essayist, from a very young age he struggled to make a name for himself in the world of letters. Started in surrealism, after his entry into the Communist Youth he actively participated in publishing magazines such as Octubre, Tensor or Nueva Cultura, and wanted to contribute to the transformation of social order through the satire of the reactionary classes in La parturienta. Later, during the civil war, he published his novelistic trilogy Acero de Madrid, Puentes de sangre and Cumbres de Extremadura. After the defeat of the Republic he went into exile in Mexico, where he collaborated in magazines such as Romance, El Hijo Prodigal or Las Españas, while publishing Niebla de Hornos at the Séneca publishing house and writing a long novel and numerous stories that remained unpublished. His moving to Switzerland in 1947 meant the separation from the literary field of exile and the interruption of his career as a novelist, focusing thereafter on poetry and theatre. In this last genre he wrote Carpio de Tajo, Plomo y mercurio, La Serrana de la Vera and La voz del pozo, where one can observe an evolution towards the theatrical experimentation, without neglecting the commitment.
Mario Martín Gijón (Villanueva de la Serena, 1979) is a doctor in Hispanic Philology. He has taught at the universities of Marburg (Germany) and Brno (Czech Republic), and is currently a professor at the University of Extremadura. About José Herrera Petere, he has made, within his complete Works, the edition of the three volumes of his exile narrative and is currently preparing his complete poems. He also recently published Una poesía de la presencia. José Herrera Petere en el surrealismo, la guerra y el exilio (2009).
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Renacimiento
- Subject: Linguistics and literary science
- Language: Spanish
- Publication year: 2010
- Number of pages: 288
- Dimensions: 15 × 22
- ISBN: 978-84-8472-512-1