Estonský a finský illativ v pohledu kognitivní gramatiky

Title in English: The Illative Case in Estonian and Finnish from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar

This book presents a description of a single case, its forms and meaning, in two languages, Estonian and Finnish. It seeks to provide a description of the illative case in standard Finnish and Estonian in terms of cognitive grammar. Primary focus is on the forms of the illative case, where concepts concerning categorization and distribution are used in the description of allomorphy. The development of illative forms in the process of standardization of both languages is also taken into consideration. It is argued that the concepts of cognitive grammar are helpful and insightful when dealing with some traditional morphological topics and in the description of morphology of both languages.

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  • Number of pages: 254
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8292-2