Expressivité vs identité dans les langues

Title in English: Expressivity versus identity in languages. Contemporary aspects of slangs

Modern definitions of slang (in French tradition called “argot(s)“) focus on both expressive and identitary functions. The volume contains twenty-three francophone contributions dealing with issues related to slang in ten European languages. It is divided into eight sections: General “slangology“ (Argotologie générale); Slang and jargon; Slang and lexicography; Slang and education; Slang and politics; Slang and literature; Slang and translation; and Slang on stage. The individual papers address such diverse topics as Georgian/French school slang, rare initial letters in French slang dictionaries and slang in public discourses (radio, theater, music, blogs). The volume also contains a French translation of Marie Krčmová’s study on hantec, the sociolect of Brno.

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  • Number of pages: 260
  • Dimensions: 18 × 25
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5739-5