Gendži monogatari a populární literatura období Edo

Title in English: Genji monogatari and popular literature of the Edo period. A case study of Nise Murasaki inaka Genji by Ryūtei Tanehiko

Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji) was written before more than a thousand years and is perhaps the best-known work of classical Japanese literature, sometimes even dubbed as the world's oldest novel. This publication explores the ways in which Genji monogatari was treated by authors of popular literature in the Edo period (1600–1867), especially Ryūtei Tanehiko, author of the contemporary bestseller Nise Murasaki inaka Genji, which is based on Genji monogatari. This book offers an introduction to early-modern Japanese literary paraphrases and examines creative strategies used in works that inventively drew from Genji monogatari.

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  • Number of pages: 204
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9712-4