Gnóthi seauton

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Title in English: Gnóthi seauton. A Hundred Years of Classical Studies in Brno in Personal Memories and Official Correspondence

This book is to be published on the occasion of 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, of which the Seminary for Classical Studies has been an integral part from the very beginning. The first part of this book offers an overview of the history of the seminary in the wider historical context of whole the faculty and of Czechoslovak society, above all by means of the direct testimony of archive sources and the memories of witnesses. The second part of the book contains a re-edition of an important study by František Novotný, the first head of the seminary, entitled Gymnasion aneb úvahy o řecké kultuře (Gymnasium or Reflections on Greek Culture). This study, last published in 1922, acquaints scholars and laymen with ideas which, although we often do not realize it, form the basis of our civilisation.

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  • Number of pages: 110
  • Dimensions: 17,6 × 25
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9254-9