
William Shakespeare is a fulcrum of the Western cultural canon and the tragedy of Hamlet is a fulcrum of Shakespeare’s dramatic and poetic work. In the past four centuries, this best known Shakespearean play has received countless adaptations and allusions, enjoying the status of one of the most commented on and influential works of our civilization. This edition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet offers the play in a new translation by Filip Krajník, prepared in close collaboration between the academic and theatre spheres. It is intended chiefly for students, but also for lovers of literature, theatre and culture in general, as well as their history.

The volume contains a Czech translation of Hamlet based on all three Renaissance versions of the play; a detailed textual and contextual commentary drawing the reader’s attention to problematic passages, as well as the play’s cultural and literary background; and an introductory study, offering an analysis of the main motifs and characters of Hamlet in the contexts of Renaissance culture and theatre tradition.

The volume was edited by Anna Mikyšková.

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  • Number of pages: 240
  • Dimensions: 13 x 20
  • ISBN: 978-80-11-01890-0