Informační bezpečnost žáků základních škol
Title in English: Information Safety of Primary School Pupils. Lessons in Libraries
Safe behaviour, complemented by technical and legal tools, is the basis for protection against information attacks that we are constantly experiencing in the current information society. Safety on the Internet and with non-electronic information is part of primary education. Libraries and other institutions can support schools in work with information and by lessons for pupils. This publication first presents in what topics, why and how not only primary school pupils should be educated in information safety. Practical processing of the theoretical background is described in the conception of lessons for each grade of primary school. It has been formed through action research, which the author has carried out over six years in collaboration with various schools and libraries.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Information and Library Studies, Pedagogy
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2019
- Series: Opera Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Masarykianae
- Colections (Books): TOP 20
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 264
- Dimensions: 16 × 23
- ISBN: 978-80-210-9270-9
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