Interkulturní mediace v sociologickém a právním kontextu

The work deals with exploring and evaluating selected aspects of intercultural mediation as a preventive process and tools to resolve conflicts caused by cultural diversity. The autors worked with the concept intercultural or intersocial mediation, as defined in western countries, where that the intervention of a third party (a trained mediator) means the achieving recognition of mutual communication and understanding, mitigating conflict between social and institutional actors, who are ethnically but especially culturally different. An integral part of this study is to analyse the current legal situation and possibly to draft legislation. The intercultural mediation in the Czech Republic might be the solution which can dramatically reduce the unlawful behaviour arising from the coexistence of different social and cultural groups, to unload the burden from the judiciary and to promote inclusive civil society.

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  • Number of pages: 192
  • Dimensions: ×
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8897-9