Kleines derivationelles Valenzlexikon zu einigen zentralen Valenzträgern im Deutschen und Tschechischen

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Title in English: Small Derivational Valency Dictionary of Selected Valency Carriers in German and Czech. An Attempt to Map Valency Realization Across Categories

The present “Small Derivational Valency Dictionary of Selected Valency Carriers in German and Czech” deals with selected lexical items of German and Czech from a comparative point of view. The German part of the dictionary is dominant. The material basis of the dictionary consists of authentic examples of language use taken from two important electronic corpora of Czech and German. Each lexical item (represented by a base verb) is supplied with a valence frame providing an analyses on the level of semantic roles, selectional restrictions and morphosyntactic features. As the dictionary is derivationally organized, it presents the valence of verbal as well as of nominal valence carriers. In addition to the formal description of valence realization, each entry provides authentic illustrative examples.

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