Kompendium evropského ústavního práva

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Title in English: European constitutional law handbook

The conception of this textbook is based on the idea that it is effective for the students to work with key primary and secondary texts. The compendium therefore includes, in addition to the authors' texts, the key judgments of the Czech Constitutional Court dealing with the relationship of European law and national (Czech) constitutional law. Furthermore, it includes law review articles which reflect similar problems or directly those specific judgments. Both the judgments and the articles will be edited for the purposes of the compendium. The structure of the compendium follows the historical development of the Czech concerning the key issues of the relationship between the European and the Czech constitutional law in 2001–2016. Law students are the primary target group of the compendium.

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  • Number of pages: 266
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8582-4