Konstruktivismus a energetická bezpečnost v mezinárodních vztazích

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This book draws the basic assumptions of the constructivist approach in the field of international politics. The introductory part is framed by the debate between the strategic and market understanding of the energy security, which are related to each other by a line of mutual metatheoretical (rationalistic) assumptions. Constructivism offers the alternative view by putting the emphases on immaterial factors, intersubjective character of the social reality and mutually constitutive relations between actor and structure. The attention is further devoted to the main theoretical foundations of the particular variants of constructivism and to the conceptualization of security as suggested by culturalism and the Copenhagen school. The selected texts laying their focus on the energy security problem are presented in the concluding part.

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  • Number of pages: 80
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6671-7