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Free E-book

Title in English: The magic and the art ot translation .

The publication is intended for advanced students who have a command of Bulgarian at C1 and C2 level and are already preparing to successfully complete their studies in Bulgarian Philology or Balkan Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. The handbook is a valuable resource for all students who deal with interpreting and translating issues, both from a practical point of view and from a theoretical point of view. The texts are divided into two parts – the first one is related to the translation profession, social areas where the interpreter can professionally realize, etc. The second part consists of interviews with prominent Bulgarian literary translators in which these personalities share their experience and bring insights into the questions, which are up to date and are very important for every translator.

FREE e-book
  • Number of pages: 80
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9017-0