Krajské volby v České republice v roce 2016

Title in English: The regional elections in the Czech Republic in 2016

The regional elections in the Czech Republic show several permanent characteristics: a low turnout, a significant accumulation of mandates and the dominance of nationwide parties. The regional elections in 2016 retained all these particularities. However, at least in one aspect, they were substantially different. They were not held at the mid-point of the government's term (as usual), but in the government's third year in office. And unlike the results in the past, one of the government parties won the elections; the support for other members of the government stagnated or even declined. To some extent, the results of 2016 showed where the support for political parties would go in the next Parliamentary elections in 2017.

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  • Number of pages: 280
  • Dimensions: 15 × 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8927-3