Krizová komunikace

This most wide-ranging and comprehensive handbook on crisis communication in the Czech context to date explains the principles of efficient and ethical public relations in reputational crises as well as during extraordinary events. The ambition of the book is to help organizations which have run into difficulties, while at the same time to contribute to the cultivation and professionalization of Czech communication practice.

The authors, with rich professional experience in the media as well as public relations know that no organization in the world is immune to crisis situations that attract media attention. From time to time it is necessary to deflect the attack of a rival corporation, to explain a controversial step, to clarify published inaccuracies, to deal with an accident in a production facility, or to deal with the aftermath of a natural disaster. Today, information travels faster than ever before: a media fire that threatens the interests or the very existence of an organization can spread globally within a few minutes.

However, not every crisis has to end in catastrophe. What matters is the quality of managerial decisions, as well as the ability to convey them to the media and to the public. Communication skills are particularly at the core of crisis communication, which is considered the crown discipline of public relations.

The book describes the most common causes of crises and reveals the fundamental principles and guidelines of crisis communication. It explains how crisis situations of all kinds are perceived by journalists and what their work processes are. Further, it describes strategies and tactical options for crisis communication as well as suitable tools, from press releases to social media.

The team of authors, comprising journalists, communication experts and pedagogues in the field of communication, aimed at creating a book which is well-grounded in science and professional experience and at the same time accessible and useful for a wide spectrum of readers: press secretaries, PR professionals, local politicians, managers, entrepreneurs as well as public relations employees in organizations. The book also represents a valuable source of information for students of journalism, marketing and similar fields.

The goal of the book is to shed light on the whole spectrum of issues, not just through dry definitions but also with concrete examples from Czech as well as international practice, from business, politics and other areas. The reader will learn how multinational companies, top managers, politicians, Czech companies, offices and other institutions have dealt with serious communication crises.

The significance of crisis communication is most obvious in extraordinary situations, which in the Czech context have included floods, the methanol scandal, and lately the Covid-19 pandemic. The manuscript of the book originated largely before the pandemic, but it also captures some of the first communication and journalistic experiences from the coronavirus crisis.


The book is being published as the first volume of a new “ProMedia” series by the Department of Media Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University.



 A series of textbooks and educational texts aimed at prospective as well as current journalists and other professionals in the field of communication. The series is being produced under the scientific supervision of members of the Department of Media Studies and Journalism of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University.


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  • Number of pages: 220
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9636-3