Kvalita života v mestách: východiská, prístupy, poznatky

Title in English: Quality of Urban Life: Foundations, Approaches and Knowledge Base

The key topic of this publication is quality of life in urban areas. Aiming at the fulfilment of this objective, the publication provides in individual chapters: a) basic knowledge and foundations regarding the concept of quality of life, b) the outline of the problem of urban environment (research), including different ways of understanding and definition of urban environments as well as different theories and opinions regarding urban life, c) the overview of (the results of) studies dealing with the research of quality of urban life, d) classification of approaches to the research of quality of urban life, e) discussion of acquired knowledge including the analysis of the possibilities of its further use and some other related problems.

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  • Number of pages: 132
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8271-7