L'absurde dans le théâtre Dada et présurréaliste français

Title in English: Absurd in French theatre of Dada and Pre-Surrealism

The publication focuses on the absurd in French theatre of Dada and Pre-Surrealism, examining the scenical potential of three texts which have, until now, remained practically unexplored. In two of them, scenical potential has not been evaluated (T. Tzara: La Première aventure céleste de Mr. Antipyrine, R. Vitrac: Les Mystères de l’amour), the last one has almost not been studied as such (A. Breton – P. Soupault: S’il vous plaît).
The author understands the absurd as an aesthetic category applicable to theatre analysis in general – contrary to the “Theatre of the absurd”, a concept suggested by M. Esslin in order to characterize the avant-garde of the 1950´s, and often criticized for its lack of precision. The conclusion is dedicated to an evaluation of Esslin´s contribution to the study of the absurd in theatre.


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  • Number of pages: 292
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8461-2