Las formaciones parasintéticas en el español moderno (1726–1904)

Parasynthesis is a strange and controversial mechanism of word formation, both from synchronic and diachronic perspective. Therefore, in addition to the detection and identification of parasynthetic neologisms in so-called modern Spanish, the author proposes a model that offers a coherent approach to the issue. She relies on recent theories formulated from the perspective of paradigmatic morphology and the theory of lexical motivation. Based on these two theories, the author developed a paradigmatic model of lexicon. This model takes into account the influence of foreign languages along with non-linguistic factors. At the same time the model also represents the lexicon as a complex network of paradigms and relationships arising within and between these paradigms.

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  • Number of pages: 480
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8796-5