Latinitas medica

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Title in English: Latinitas Medica. A lexicon of not only medical sentences, quotations and phrases

Latinitas medica (Medical Latinity). A lexicon of not only medical sentences, quotations and phrases is a voluminous compendium presenting nearly 7,000 sentences, quotations, phrases, and technical terms formulated throughout centuries in Latin language. Primarily, the spheres of human health and medicine have been focused on but other natural sciences (e. g. pharmacy) and the adherent spheres of philosophy as well as religion, psychology, ethics, pedagogy, sociology and law have been integrated. The items, both the texts written by well-known authorities and anonymous pieces of folk wisdom, appear in their original (Latin) version as accompanied by their brand-new Czech translation and occasional commentaries and references. Thanks to the alphabetic order and the two comprehensive keyword catalogues (Latin and Czech) the inner structure of the comprehensive volume discussed appears lucid and the book itself proofs user-friendly.

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  • Number of pages: 909
  • Dimensions: 18 × 25
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-4758-7