Legitimita moci v postmoderní době

Title in English: Legitimate power in postmodern times

This book deals with the issue of justification of contemporary political systems and decision-making processes that take place within them. The author analyses in detail classic concepts such as legitimacy of power and their relationship with the conceptual apparatus of the modern state, especially the principles of sovereignty and representation. In this way, the book touches upon critical symptoms of the present-day model of democratic decision-making, including the issue of the so-called democratic deficit, or the deficit of democratic legitimacy. Based on his findings, the author is led to a rather sceptical conclusion with regard to the future of democratic political authority that makes room for societal liberty, and ponders over the necessity of undertaking appropriate revitalisation steps.

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  • Number of pages: 211
  • Dimensions: 14,8 x 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5081-5