Lidská práva bez metafyziky: legitimita v (post)moderní době

Title in English: Human Rights without Metaphysics: Legitimacy in (Post)modern Age

This thesis is dedicated to issues of the justification of human rights in the postmodern age. Its key guestion is whether those rights are an inevitable metaphysical or religious concept which is hardly defensible in our contemporary world.At first the author analyses concepts of human rights, their legitamacy and justification. The main attention is dedicated to the problem of their universality and the specification of several different methodological attitudes to examining their justification. Afterwards he examines different forms of justification of these rights, including conceptions of Michael J. Perry and Alan Gewirth because they have the strongest metaphysical connotations. The last chapter of the thesis deals with the conception of Richard Rorty as the example of an attitude that seeks an emancipation of the metaphysics.

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  • Number of pages: 158
  • Dimensions: 14,9×21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8186-4