Má maďarská cesta

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Title in English: My Hungarian journey. Czech-Hungarian context of cultural history of Central Europe

A representative anthology of work by the leading scholar in the field of Hungarian studies, Finno-Ugric studies and Czech and Hungarian historical relations. The opening autobiographical text is followed by pivotal studies Latinská písemnictví v Uhrách 11.–14. století, Maďarská reformovaná misie do Čech a Moravy po vydání tolerančního patentu and Josef Dobrovský‘s Ugrofinistická studia. The largest contribution is entitled Česko-maďarské vztahy and deals with the most significant, key aspects of Czech-Hungarian historical and cultural relations, from their onset until the first decade of this century.

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  • Number of pages: 187
  • Dimensions: 14,8 x 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6797-4