Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology

Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (ISSN on-line 1802-5951, ISSN printed 1802-5943) is a peer-reviewed academic journal which publishes original articles in the field of information and communication technology law. 

Online journal

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Rafał Skibicki: Everything is NOT Awesome. A Lego Brick as a 3D Trade Mark ● 
Kelly Blount: Seeking Compatibility in Preventing Crime with Artificial Intelligence and Ensuring a Fair Trial ● 
Pavel Koukal: Digital Content Portability and its Relation to Conformity with the Contract ● 
Mirko Pečarič: Lex Ex Machina: Reasons for Algorithmic Regulation ● 
Rastislav Funta: Data, Their Relevance to Competition and Search Engines ● 
Michaela Dvořáková: Sexting and Revenge Pornography. Legislative and Social Dimensions of a Modern Digital Phenomenon. Phippen, A.; Brennan, M. ●   

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Petro Sukhorolskyi, Valeriia Hutsaliuk: Processing of Genetic Data under GDPR: Unresolved Conflict of Interests ●
Marek Swierczynski, Łukasz Żarnowiec: Law Applicable to Liability for Damages due to Traffic Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles●
Kateryna Nekit: Social Media Account as an Object of Virtual Property●
Erich Schweighofer, Isabella Brunner, Jakob Zanol: Malicious Cyber Operations, “Hackbacks” and International Law: An Austrian Example as a Basis for Discussion on Permissible Responses●
Libor Klimek: Misuse of Contactless Payment Cards with Radio-Frequency Identification●
Robert Müller-Török, Domenica Bagnato, Alexander Prosser: Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 and e-Voting Protocol Design

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Ioana Vasiu, Lucian Vasiu: Cyber Extortion and Threats: Analysis of the United States Case Law●

Michaela Slussareff, Vít Šisler: Higher Sustainability of Mental Models Acquired from a Digital Game in Comparison with a Live Action Role-playing Game and a Traditional Lecture●

Nora Osmani: The Complexity of Criminal Liability of AI Systems●

Krzysztof Żok: Law Applicable to Cloud Computing Contracts Concluded with Consumers under Regulation 593/2008, According to the CJEU Case Law●

Tereza Novotná: Document Similarity of Czech Supreme Court Decisions●

Kristina Ramešová: Public Provocation to Commit a Terrorist Offence: Balancing between the Liberties and the Security

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Krzysztof Żok: Cloud Computing Contracts as Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content: Classification and Information Duty●

Katarzyna Południak-Gierz: Consequences of the Use of Personalization Algorithms in Shaping an Offer – A Private Law Perspective●

Bogna Kaczorowska: Juridical Status of So-called Smart Contracts against the Background of the Polish Legal Framework●

Ján Mazúr, Mária T. Patakyová: Regulatory Approaches to Facebook and Other Social Media Platforms: Towards Platforms Design Accountability●

Lucie Merunková, Josef Šlerka: Goffman's Theory as a Framework for Analysis of Self Presentation on Online Social Networks●

Anne Veerpalu: Shareholder Ledger Using Distributed Ledger Technology: The Estonian Perspective●

Erik Björling: In the Procedural Surroundings of Consumer Protection: Online Dispute Resolution, the Adversarial Principle, and Tendencies toward Settlement●

Maria Kaczorowska: Blockchain-based Land Registration: Possibilities and Challenges●

Andrea Katalin Tóth: Algorithmic Copyright Enforcement and AI: Issues and Potential Solutions through the Lens of Text and Data Mining

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Robert Müller-Török: The Principles Established by the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 on Standards for E-voting Applied to Other Channels of Remote Voting●

Maria Dymitruk: The Right to a Fair Trial in Automated Civil Proceedings●

Kristjan Kikerpill, Andra Siibak: Living in a Spamster's Paradise: Deceit and Threats in Phishing Emails●

Papawadee Tanodomdej: The Tallinn Manuals and the Making of the International Law on Cyber Operations●

Nelli Golubeva, Kristina Drogoziuk: Web-page Screenshots as an Evidence in Civil Procedure of Ukraine

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Uchenna Jerome Orji: The African Union Convention on Cybersecurity: A Regional Response Towards Cyber Stability? ● 
Katarina Šipulová, Hubert Smekal, Jozef Janovský: Searching for a Reference: Using Automated Text Analysis to Study Judicial Compliance ● 
Alžběta Krausová: Online Behavior Recognition: Can We Consider It Biometric Data under GDPR? ● 
Jozef Andraško, Matúš Mesarčík: Quo Vadis Open data? ● 
Angela Sobolčiaková: Right of Access under GDPR and Copyright

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Tamás Szádeczky: Enhanced Functionality Brings New Privacy and Security Issues – An Analysis of eID ● 
Dan Svantesson: “Lagom Jurisdiction” – What Viking Drinking Ettiquette Can Teach Us about Internet Jurisdiction and Google France ● 
Taivo Liivak, Janno Lahe: Delictual Liability for Damage Caused by Fully Autonomous Vehicles: The Estonian Perspective ● 
Jakub Míšek: Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges. Timan, T.; Newell, B. C.; Koops, B.-J. (eds.) ● 
Jan Zibner: Legal Personhood: Animals, Artificial Intelligence and the Unborn. Kurki, V. A. J.; Pietrzykowski, T. (eds.)

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Adrienn Lukács: To Post, or Not to Post – That Is the Question: Employee Monitoring and Employees’ Right to Data Protection ● 
Aurelija Lukoševičienė: On Author, Copyright and Originality: Does the Unified EU Originality Standard Correspond to the Digital Reality in Wikipedia? ● 
Manuela Geranio: Fintech in the Exchange Industry: Potential for Disruption? ● 
Chien-Chung Lin: ETF, Stock Exchange Interconnection and the Looming Problems ● 
Joseph Lee: Synergies, Risks and the Regulation of Stock Exchange Interconnection ● 
Christopher Chen: Extraterritoriality of the Regulations and Interconnections of the Derivatives Market: Legal Implications for East and Southeast Asia ● 
Radim Polčák: Stock Exchange Interconnections and Legal Issues in Data Exchange

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Dan Jerker B. Svantesson: Editorial: Time to Move Forward on International ICT Law ● 
Ioannis Revolidis: Judicial Jurisdiction over Internet Privacy Violations and the GDPR: a Case of ''Privacy Tourism''? ● 
Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel: The European Commission’s Geo-blocking Proposals and the Future of EU E‑commerce Regulation ● 
Anabela Susana de Sousa Gonçalves: Choice-of-court Agreements in the E-commerce International Contracts ● 
Ulf Maunsbach: The CJEU as an Innovator – a New Perspective on the Development of Internet Related Case-law ● 
Anna-Maria Osula, Mark Zoetekouw: The Notification Requirement in Transborder Remote Search and Seizure: Domestic and International Law Perspectives ● 
Ilona Stadnik: What Is an International Cybersecurity Regime and How We Can Achieve It? ● 
Veronika Žolnerčíková: ICANN: Transformation of Approach towards Internet Governance

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