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Title in English: The Might of Ink. Medieval Book Culture In Moravia

The book “The Might of Ink. Medieval Book Culture in Moravia” is a scholarly catalogue accompanying the exhibition of the same name held at the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno from 22 April to 19 May 2024. It consists of two main parts: the first part contains extensive scholarly studies focusing on key aspects of medieval book culture in Moravia, including Moravian Church Slavonic monuments, Latin literature in medieval Moravia, the origins of Latin writing culture, medieval Moravian calendars, illuminated manuscripts, bookbinding, libraries in medieval towns, ecclesiastical and private libraries, and the beginnings of book printing in Brno. The second part contains a catalogue of the exhibits with detailed commentary.

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  • Number of pages: 348
  • Dimensions: 22 × 22
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0520-7