Morava v době ledové

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Title in English: Moravia in the Ice Age. The last glacial period and methods of its research

Few countries can boast such rich history of Quaternary research as Moravia, especially finds of fauna, flora and the prehistoric man. It is mainly due to its location on a natural interface between north and south Europe. Moravia thus served throughout the Quaternary for seasonal and global movement of vegetation and animals. While now you can go through the gorges of the Moravian Karst on tarmac roads, not so long ago there were only narrow winding forest roads where in some places two horse-drawn carriages barely avoided each other. But what was there before? This book sets out to find the answer. The author wants to show how exciting paleontological work is, what Quaternary studies involve and what previously untapped issues should be addressed in the future.

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  • Number of pages: 228
  • Dimensions: 21 × 30
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6364-8