Motivace dětí a mládeže ve sportu
Title in English: Motivation of children and youth in sport .
The book deals with the process of motivation in a sport focused on the age category of children and youth most often from the perspective of the coach and parents. It is a holistic view of this issue, as it works with different theories and types of motivation in a way that describes all their pros and cons. It critically looks at selected theses and compares them with other non-psychological constructs influencing motivation, such as genes or physiological processes (emotions). This publication enriches several statements of famous athletes on the issue, as well as the experiences of many coaches. The first two chapters are preceded by a theoretical explanation of individual concepts close to motivation so that (motivation) is properly understood. Then the concepts of “self” (self-confidence, self-efficacy) are described as prerequisites for high internal motivation. It continues with a goal setting in relation to flow, or even negative phenomena associated with motivation. These include, for example, burnout, eating disorders, or inadequate parental approach. Finally, the book also deals with the personality of the coach. The publication is focused especially for coaches and parents of young athletes. But anyone who is interested in sports talent or pedagogy can also find its application. For expample the music teacher, who has decided to influence his pupils in the best way, can also find interesting information.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Pedagogy, Psychology, Physical education and sport
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2019
- Department: Faculty of Sports Studies
- Number of pages: 148
- Dimensions: 16 × 23
- ISBN: 978-80-210-9355-3