Motivace k učení se němčině v kontextu výuky cizího odborného a akademického jazyka

Title in English: German Language Motivation in the Context of Teaching a Foreign Language for Specific and Academic Purposes.

The book discusses German learning motivation in the context of teaching a foreign specific and academic language. Gardner's model of motivation is the core of the theory of this study together with self-definition theory and attribution theory. Research was based on a foreign language for specific and academic purposes education at Masaryk University in Brno. The research design consisted of two research stages: qualitative and quantitative. Combining the results of the two research stages indicated a correspondence of almost all of the motivational identifiers. The crucial one in terms of German for specific and academic purposes learning motivation proved to be the element of relevance.

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  • Number of pages: 251
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8783-5