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Title in English: Money Matters
The text of this book is framed by several major phenomena and economic processes. The main framework is represented by the nonprofit organizations economy. This field has been narrowed down to the nonprofit revenues, and to the ways these revenues are obtained. Moreover, we focused on the question how the Czech nonprofit organizations respond to the real or potential failure of particular resource stream. Our investigation covers the turbulent times of financial and economic crisis (2008-2013), as we searched for deeper understanding of the ways nonprofit organizations cope with the loss of income and change their structure when such loss occurred.
FREE e-book
- Binding: E-book
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Economy. economics and management
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2017
- Colections (Books): Munispace
- Department: Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Number of pages: 146
- ISBN: 978-80-210-8431-5
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